Урок 11 (29.04.2020)

Wednesday, 29th of April.


Good morning, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Сегодня урок пройдёт в онлайн-режиме:

Тема: Mystic places

Время: 29 апр 2020 в 12:00

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Today we will work with the text "Mystic places" and do some tasks (ORALLY).

I. Choose the right translation of the words.

  1. древний a) to predict

  2. населять b) mystic

  3. сохранять c) to carve

  4. предсказывать d) to preserve

  5. вырезать e) to worship

  6. поклоняться f) ancient

  7. храм g) inhabit

  8. мистический h) temple

II. Choose the right words.

  1. I saw many marble statues/states in the museum.

  2. Letters were covered/carved on the stone.

  3. We must conserve/preserve ancient cities.

  4. The goods were transported by canal/stream to London.

  5. Many fishes live in this pool/pond.

  6. The tourists were awarded by a picturesque view on the valley/swamp after three hour`s walk.

III. Where can tourists see these objects? Sort the words into the table.

temple, sculpture, statue, museum, cliff, glacier, cave, waterfall, grassland, hot spring, wood, swamp




Homework: Read the text "Mystic places" once more, record the audio of your reading and send me: eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .