Урок 2 (04.02.2022)

Friday, 4th of February.


Good morning, pupils! Let's start our lesson!

Сегодня вы будете отрабатывать лексику модуля 5а.

I. Подберите определения к словам.

Vandalism something which is a very small copy of an object

Host made or done by someone whose name is unknown or

not made public

Miniature any activity that is considered to be damaging or destroying

something that was good

Carve someone who has guests

Anonymous to make something by cutting into, especially wood or

stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.

II. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами.

Grains/ take/ private/ artistic/ anonymous/ miniature/ animal/ learning/ add/ stay perfectly.

1. ……. sculptures

2. remain ……. .

3. ……. a look

4. ……. difficulties

5. ……. behaviourist

6. ……. still

7. ……. creativity

8. ……. value to

9. ……. property

10. ……. of rice

III. Напишите противоположные по смыслу слова.

a) huge, unimportant, impatiently;

b) excluded, inability;

c) beautiful, responsible, public, worthless.

Сделай фото своей классной работы (3 упражнения) и отправь на мою электронную почту eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .

Believe in yourself! Good luck!