Урок 1


Monday, 6th of April.


Good morning, pupils! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Today we'll study the new theme "Newspapers&the media" (module 6b, p.104)

I. Let's practise our English pronunciation, the sound [Ɔ:] - о:, read the tongue-twister as quickly as you can.


Thousand of years ago, men could send messages over a long distance. They used the light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day. They used the loud sound of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa. In central Africa for communication between tribes used drums tam-tam.

II. We will talk about mass media especially about newspapers today.

There are different kinds of newspapers: Local Newspapers, Tabloids, and Broadsheets.

Local Newspaperis a newspaper which is sold only in a restricted area, and mainly carries news about that area.

Tabloid is a newspaper with half-size pages; includes sensational crime stories, astrology, and celebrity gossip; is yellow press, easy for reading.

Broadsheet is a serious, quality and independent newspaper.

III. Put characteristics of tabloid and broadsheet in the right column and write them in your exercise-book (with translation).



  • Gossip magazine

  • Lots of home-made photos of celebrities

  • Gutter press

  • Teenage worksheet

  • Brief picturesque article

  • Quizzes

  • High-quality journalism

  • Considerable article

IV. Let's learn the meanings of the phrasal verb talk. Match the phrases.

  1. Talk out A. Хвалить, говорить громко

  2. Talk around B. Болтать без умолку

  3. Talk up C. Исчерпать тему разговора

  4. Talk back D.Говорить пространно/переубеждать

  5. Talk down E. Возражать /огрызаться

  6. Talk away F. Заставить замолчать

Homework: Fill in the gaps in the dialog (in written form); learn the rule - Reported Speech - GR 12-15

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