Урок 10 (13.05.2020)

Wednesday, 13th of May.


Сегодня вы пишете итоговую контрольную работу.

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Exit test.

Task 1. Выбери правильную грамматическую форму: а/b/c

1. What’s ….. name?

a. she b. you c. her

2. I … new to the school.

a. is b. are c. am

3. Who’s Kathy? She’s Laura’s ….

a. father b. brother c. mother

4. Sue and I are friends. ……walk to school together.

a. we b. they c. you

5. I’m American. I’m from …..

a. the USA b. the UK c. Canada

6. Our school starts …. 9 o’clock.

a. in b. at c. on

7. I ….got a big house.

a. am b. have c. has

8. This is …. house

a. Kathy’s b. Kathy c. you

9. ….. do you usually play football?

a. who b. what c. where

10. My sister ….. in Moscow.

a. live b. lives c. don’t live.

11. There …. some chairs in the room.

a. is b. are c. a

12. My dad …. speak French and English.

a. like b. can c. must

13. My sister is a clever girl. I love ….

a. her b. she c. you

14. She ….. tall with fair hair.

a. has b. is c. does

15. There isn’t …. cheese in the fridge.

a. any b. some c. a

16. There … monkeys in the zoo.

a. a b. is c. are

17. Would you like …. cup of tea?

a. a b. some c. an

18. We meet … Monday.

a. in b. on c. at

19. John is my best friend. I see …. every day.

a. he b. his c. him

20. Our family likes …. TV in the evening.

a. watch b. watching c. watches

21. Mr. Smith …. got a big family.

a. have b. is c. has

22. I think I ….. cycling tomorrow.

a. will go b. go с. going

23. Are children ….. in the garden?

a. play b. plays c. playing

24. How …. rice can you eat?

a. much b. many c. some

25. Sam wears ….. in the summer because it’s hot.

a. trousers b. coats c. shorts

26. They usually go to sea …. train.

a. by b. on c. in

27. We eat breakfast in the …

a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

28. …… are Tony’s books.

a. these b. this c. that

29. Matt usually ….. his homework after school.

a. doing b. does c. do

30. How …. apples are there on the table?

a. much b. many c. any

Task 2. Прочитай письмо и напиши, правильны ли утверждения 1-10: True (правильно) or False (неправильно). Записываем только цифру и букву T или F.

Hi Ann,

I want to tell you about myself. My name’s Sally and I’m twelve years old. I’m from the UK. I’m in year 7 at secondary school and my favourite subject is Science. My best friend is Jennifer. I can tell her all my secrets and we always have fun. She is kind and friendly.

I live with my mum, my dad, my little brother and my grandma in a flat on the fourth floor. My dad is a pilot and he can speak French. He’s very clever. Our flat isn’t very big but my bedroom is fantastic! I like reading and I’ve got a great book collection. I’m very proud of it. Do you like reading? Have you got any collection? Tell me about your family.

Please, write me soon.



  1. The letter is from Ann.

  2. Sally is from the UK.

  3. Sally’s seven years old.

  4. Sally likes Science.

  5. Jennifer is a friendly person.

  6. Sally’s mother can speak French.

  7. Sally’s father’s a pilot.

  8. Sally lives in a big house with her family.

  9. Sally has a bike collection.

  10. Sally’s proud of her collection.


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