Урок 19 (21.05.2020)

Thursday, 21st of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Today we'll speak about Eco-Tourism.

I. Answer the questions:

  • What’s your ideal holiday like?

  • How do you usually spend your summer holidays?

  • What do you know about places of the UNESCO World Heritage List?

  • Do you think they are really in danger?

II. Follow the link - https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/3815/start/148401/, watch the video and try to understand the main information.

III. To talk about Green places we need some words.

Follow the link - https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/3815/main/148405/ and repeat the words after the speaker.

Concentration – концентрация, скопление

Density - плотность

Ecological trails – экологическая тропа

Excavation – раскопки

Expand this abbreviation – расшифровать аббревиатуру

Fossil – ископаемое, окаменелые останки

Gothic – готический (относящийся к стилю в европейском искусстве XII – XVII вв.)

Heritage - наследие

Legitimately – законно

Monastery – монастырь

Outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый

Renaissance – ренессанс (период в европейском искусстве, относящийся особенно к Италии в XIV – XVI вв, когда у людей возрос интерес к искусству)

Restore - восстановить

Species – вид (животных, растений)

Treaty – соглашение, договор

Value – ценность

IV. How good is your vocabulary?

Find the English equivalents for these words / phrases in the text.

You have already learnt about the UNESCO World Heritage List. You know, how beautiful and valuable these places are for the whole world, for the humanity. However, there is the worry that tourism is damaging them.

Let’s talk about the largest freshwater reservoir on Earth. So, well, we are going to speak about ancient Lake Baikal, the Pearl of Siberia.

The ecology of the lake is under threat nowadays due to the growing flow of tourism. This flow is rarely controlled or planned. As a result, the coast of the lake and the water itself are polluted, the forests are damaged, too.

If there is a problem, there should be a solution. How can we – potential tourists – help the sacred lake?

First of all, we should clean our own garbage. Besides, sometimes it is necessary to urge others to do the same. For some of you this may seem a simple requirement, but the lake really has problems because of the neglect of such a simple rule.

You can also participate in volunteer programs. Participants of such programs clear the territory, restore and construct ecological trails, equip recreation areas for tourists, install information boards. Doing all these things volunteers visit picturesque places of the Pearl of Siberia, so, such a work is really worth trying!

Coming to the conclusion, it is important to say, that Baikal is of vital importance not only for Russia, but for the whole world. Indeed, we must not turn a blind eye to this problem; everyone can contribute greatly to the preservation of the national heritage for the future generations. So, let’s get started?

Ценный –

Для человечества –

Самый большой запас питьевой воды –

Находиться под угрозой –

Священное озеро –

Побуждать кого-то сделать что-то –

Простое требование –

Волонтерская программа –

Обустроить зоны отдыха –

Смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-то –


Повторить пройденный материал.

I wish you all the best!