Урок 16 (15.05.2020)

Friday, 15th of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Сегодня на уроке мы:

  • будем говорить о проблемах со здоровьем;

  • научимся давать советы (повторим модальный глагол should).

I. Пройдите по ссылке и обратите внимание на проблемы и пути их решения. https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/1572/main/

II. To talk about medical problems we need some words.

Изучите новые слова и выражения:

advice - совет have a headache - болит голова

drop - бросать have a sore throat - болит горло

exhausted - измученный have a stomachache - болит живот

fluid - жидкость have a toothache - болит зуб

forehead - лоб have an earache - болит ухо

meal - приём пищи have high fever - высокая температура

lie down - прилечь have sore eyes - болят глаза

turn out - оказаться take a painkiller - принять обезболивающее

get some rest - немного отдохнуть

III. Match two parts of the sentence to give advice.

Подберите правильный совет (письменно). Ответ запишите кратко (цифру и букву).

  1. You should take a painkiller a) if you feel exhausted

  2. You should wash them with cold water b) if you have a stomachache

  3. You should eat a light meal c) if you have a headache

  4. You should lie down and get some rest d) if you have sore eyes

  5. You should have a cup of hot tea e) if you have a sore throat

IV. А что вы знаете о витаминах? Что они нам дают?

Match the vitamin and its function. Соотнесите название витамина и его функцию (устно).

  1. Vitamin D a) for the nervous system

  2. Vitamin E b) for making bones strong

  3. Vitamin B1 c) for seeing in the dark

  4. Vitamin B6 and K d) for building bones and teeth

  5. Vitamin C e) for human blood

  6. Vitamin A f) for skin and body


Read the text and choose if the sentence is True (T), False (F) or Not stated (NS). Прочитай текст и определи, верны ли утверждения.

- Do you have difficulty waking up in the morning? Do you find it hard to concentrate in class? Does your mood change often or do you sometimes feel sad without a reason? Then, maybe you are not getting enough sleep. *

Most teens need about 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night. This is necessary for anyone who wants to do well in exams or play sport and don’t feel exhausted afterwards. However, many teens usually go to bed late. This may be because the hormone that regulates sleep appears later at night during a young person’s teenage years. In some schools, middle and high school classes start later to help teens get more sleep. If your school doesn’t do that, try to get more sleep. Relax your mind, avoid drinks with caffeine, and stay away from bright lights before you go to bed. This will help both your body and mind work better!

  1. Changes in your mood can stop you from concentrating in class.

  2. Teens need less than 8 hours of sleep each night.

  3. Hormones affect teens’ sleeping patterns.

  4. Teens start lessons later in some schools.

  5. You should have a drink with caffeine to sleep well.

Сделай фото своей классной работы (при наличии письменных упражнений) и домашней работы и отправь на мою электронную почту eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .