Урок 11 (30.04.2020)

Thursday, 30th of April.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Сегодня мы будем закреплять материал модуля 9.

Откройте тетради, запишите число и выполните тест. Ответы пишем кратко.


1. … is a dairy product.

a) youghurt b) cereal c) tuna

2. I have got a bottle of olive …

a) butter b) peas c) oil

3. Is … a vegetable? – Yes, it is.

a) tomato b) lamb c) salt

4. Could you pass me a … of Coke, please?

a) tin b) can c) some

5. Give me a … of milk, please. – Here you are.

a) jar b) carton c) tin

6. If you need crayons, go to the …

a) optician’s b) stationery shop c) jeweller’s

7. A person who helps customers to choose something is a …

a) manager b) cashier c) shop assistant

8. The … had to wash the floor in the shop after someone spilled coffee.

a) cleaner b) cashier c) customer

9. The sun is …

a) square b) round c) striped

10. The Russian flag is …

a) polka-dot b) plain c) striped

11. My wallet is made of …

a) leather b) paper c) silver


12. I’ve got … orange juice.

a) some b) any c) an

13. Let’s buy … peppers.

a) a little b) a few c) any

14. He didn’t buy … tins of tuna.

a) any b) no c) some

15. Mum says that there are … potatoes left.

a) little b) any c) no

16. We … her since primary school.

a) have known b) are knowing c) has been knowing

17. I … already … that film.

a) didn’t…see b) have…saw c) have…seen

18. I … English for 7 years.

a) have been learning b) am learning c) was learning

19. He is very tired because he … all evening.

a) ran b) has run c) has been running

20. They … friends for a long time.

a) were b) have been c) have been being

21. I … just … an Art Club.

a) does join b) have been joining c) have joined

22. We … for the exam for the last 4 days.

a) are studying b) have been studying c) has studying


Выполнить тест и прислать на мою почту: eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru