Урок 1 (18.10.2021)

Monday, 18th of October.


Сегодня вы пишете проверочную работу по модулю 2. Задания будут по вариантам:

Вариант А: Батов, Борисов, Буханов, Вольман, Гусева, Игнатьева, Лебедькова.

Вариант В: Абрамова, Бикбаева, Бочаров, Власов, Грешнов, Заярнюк, Казанцева, Янгирова.

Контрольную работу пишете в своих рабочих тетрадях, ответы - кратко.


Variant A

№1. Fill in the correct word.

famous cosy earth hide compass mystery appearance initials

1) A story about a crime or a strange event is a(n) ............. .

2) Where did you ......................the money? I can't find it.

3) Hercule Poirot was famous for his neat ................... .

4) Sherlock Holmes was a .............detective.

5) This is my father's shirt. It's got his .......................on it.

6) What on ............. was it? You look very upset!

7) I love your flat! It's nice and ................... .

8) Let's use a(n) ............................to find our way back home.

№2. Use "used to" or “didn’t use to” to complete the sentences.

Example: I used to spend (spend) a lot of free time but now I work very hard.

1) She has short hair now. When she was young, she _______________________________ (have) long hair.

2) He doesn't play football but when he was at school he _______________________________ (play) in a football team.

3) Jenny has a sweet tooth but when she was a little girl _______________________________ (eat) a lot of chocolate.

4) She is a hairdresser now. Five years ago she _______________________________ (be) bus driver.

5) They live in New York now. Twenty years ago they _______________________________ (live) in Moscow.

6) I don't watch TV anymore. Three years ago I _______________________________ (watch) TV for hours.

7) We _______________________________ (go) to the park on Saturdays but we went there on Sundays.

№3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

Example: Darren sent (send) a long letter to Laura.

1) Agatha Christie ..................... (not/write) Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.

2) Sherlock Holmes .....................(smoke) а pipe.

3) Miss Marple ....................... (catch) many criminals.

4) .............................(Hercule Poirot/live) in Belgium?

5) The professor and Axel ................... (find) a mysterious message.

6) Jules Verne ................... (not/live) in London, he lived in Nantes.

7) Agatha Christie .................... (create) the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.

8) How.................................................. (Captain Nemo/travel)?

9) Arthur Conan Doyle.......................(be) a famous writer.

10) .................................(Dr Watson/help) Sherlock Holmes?

№4. Choose the correct item.

Example: Tom told me the story until/after, he read the novel.

1) The cat ran away until/as soon as it saw the dog.

2) We were surprised when/until we saw Mum on television.

3) Lyn got a job after/until she finished school.

4) First (Сначала) she made dinner, then/when she watched TV.

5) The children played in the garden until/then it got dark.


Variant B

№1. Fill in the correct word.

guess explore powerful compass science fiction initials intelligent hide

1) Brian is a very ............. boy and the best student in his class.

2) A story that takes place in future or in a space is a(n) ............. story.

3) The ............. is broken. It doesn’t show the right direction.

4) The professor and his nephew ............. behind some bushes when they heard the noise.

5) You’ll never ............. what happened to me! I saw a snake in the river.

6) Let’s ............. this amazing area before it gets dark.

7) Look! There are ............. on a cave wall. Saknussemm was here!

8) When I opened the window there was a ............. gust of wind.

№2. Use "used to" or “didn’t use to” to complete the sentences.

Example: I used to spend (spend) a lot of free time but now I work very hard.

1) I don't watch cartoons anymore. When I was a child I _______________________________ (watch) cartoons for hours.

2) Jenny _______________________________ (have) a sweet tooth when she was a little girl but now she doesn’t eat chocolate at all.

3) He doesn't play chess but when he was at school he _______________________________ (be) a chess champion.

4) They live in S.-Petersburg now. Seven years ago they _______________________________ (live) in Moscow.

5) She has long hair now. When she was young, she _______________________________ (have) short hair.

6) I _______________________________ (go) in for sports but now I am very athletic.

7) I _______________________________ (go) to the gym on Saturdays but now we go to the park.

№3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

Example: Darren sent (send) a long letter to Laura.

1) Agatha Christie .......................... (write) over thirty novels.

2) Arthur Conan Doyle....................(create) the detective, Sherlock Holmes.

3) .............................(you/help) Cory with his homework?

4) Hercule Poirot ...................(be) a Belgian detective.

5) Jules Verne .......................... (not/write) humorous stories.

6) The professor and Axel...................(find) a mysterious message.

7) How.................................................. (Axel and the professor/travel)?

8) Hercule Poirot .................... (catch) many criminals.

9) Dr.Watson .......................... (not/wear) a cape.

10) ........................................................ (Miss Marple/live) in England?

№4. Choose the correct item.

Example: Tom told me the story until/after, he read the novel.

1) We played in the park until/then it got dark.

2) Larry got a job after/until he finished school.

3) The mouse ran away until/as soon as it saw the cat.

4) First (Сначала) he had dinner, then/when he listened to the radio.

5) I was surprised when/until I saw Mr Adams on television.

Сделай фото своей контрольной работы и отправь на мою электронную почту eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .

Homework: ex. 1, 2 p. 26 - ответить на вопросы (устно).