Урок 18 (20.05.2020)

Wednesday, 20th of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Today at the lesson:

  • You will listen, read, and talk about modern art.

  • You will learn how to analyze pictures.

  • You will learn the modern painters’ techniques.

I. Try to answer the questions (ORALLY):

  • Who’s your favourite painter?

  • What paintings of this painter do you like most of all?

  • What do you think about modern art?

  • Do you think it is important for art to look realistic?

II. Follow the link and repeat the new words after the speaker - https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/4835/main/78471/

Art establishment – влиятельные круги в области искусств

Canvas - холст

Comforting - успокаивающий

Composition – композиция, расположение

Contrasting – контрастный

Contribution – вклад, вложение

Depiction – изображение

Emerging – восходящий, становящийся известным

Exhibition – выставка

Extraordinary – необычный, экстраординарный

Foreground – передний план

Impressionism – импрессионизм (стиль живописи, появившийся во Франции в 1860-е годы)

Legacy – наследие

Major – важный, главный

Multiple – разнообразный

Perspective – перспектива (в искусстве)

Prestigious – престижный, известный

Prosperous – богатый, состоятельный

Revolutionise – менять, производить коренные изменения

School – школа

Shifting – непостоянный, меняющийся, движущийся

Vibrant – энергичный, живой

Visionary – фантастический, воображаемый, нереальный

Widely – широко

III. Open your books on p. 150. Look at the pictures - ex.1, p.150.

  • How do they make you feel?

  • Do you think it is important for art to look realistic?

IV. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps (orally).

Ex3 p150.mp3


Read the text. Mark the sentences True / False / Not stated.

What is Modern Art? It is a really good question. Generally, it includes different styles and movements of Art.

In 1860s artists started creating works of art in unusual, fresh ways. The term “Modern Art” refers to those works of art, created somewhere between 1860s and 1970s.

The first movement was Impressionism. It was an art movement in France at the end of the 19th century.

The Impressionists were always searching for a more exact analysis of colour and light in nature. They tried to capture the atmosphere of a particular time of day and the fleeting effects of different weather conditions.

That was why they had to work very quickly. Besides, they were the first group of artists who worked 'en plein air' (outside).

It is important to say, that Impressionism was the first movement in the canon of modern art. It contributed greatly to the development of art in the 20th century.

Artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin and Georges Seurat pushed the boundaries of the style. Thus, Van Gogh pushed art towards Expressionism, Cézanne was the “father” of Cubism, and Gauguin turned to Fauvism.

  1. There are 6 movements in Modern art.

  2. Works of art, created somewhere between 1860s – 1970s are the examples of Modern Art.

  3. The first movement of Modern Art was Expressionism.

  4. Impressionists paid a lot of attention to the light in nature.

  5. Impressionists concentrate on the painting and don’t work quickly.

  6. They were the first painters, who worked outside.

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