Урок 7 (21.04.2020)

Tuesday, 21st of April.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

I. Nowadays we can see paper everywhere. We use paper bags, paper wrapping and paperboard. We write on it and use it to create different things. How often do you use paper? What do you use it for? Are there any alternatives to paper?

II. Today at the lesson:

  • You will practice new vocabulary related to the topic “Paper

  • You will learn to speak about the role of paper in our lives

  • You will learn to converse using new vocabulary

To talk about paper we need some words.

blank - пустой matt - матовый

cardboard box - картонная коробка newsprint - газетная бумага

chop - рубить paperboard - картон

communicate - общаться pulping - варка целлюлозы

conserve - сохранять scribble - нацарапать

glossy - глянцевый, гладкий recycled - переработанный

harvest - урожай thick - толстый

hole punch - дырокол tear out - вырывать

III. Have a look at the pictures - p.135. Answer the questions:

  • What are the people in the pictures A-C in the text holding?

  • What are these objects made of?

  • Where do we get paper from?

Listen to the text - ex.2, p.135. What is this text about?

ex. 2, p. 135.mp3

Homework: Do the tasks in written form.

  • Choose the correct answer.

  1. Paperboard/matt is made of paper.

  2. Walls must conserve/illustrate the nature.

  3. I like reading blank/glossy magazines.

  4. My dad always reads a newsprint/newspaper in the morning.

  5. Pulping/line is one of the stages of making paper.

  6. Mika has a lot of posters/harvest on the walls in his room.

  • Choose the correct answer.

  1. What did the (glossy, pulping, chemical) analysis say about the material about this thing?

  2. I like to (communicate, tear out, conserve) with my friends living abroad online.

  3. I wonder if it is easy to make a (hole, carton, poster).

  4. My dad likes reading a (blank, newspaper, shoe cabinet) while he has breakfast.

  5. This bag is used from the (conserve, illustrate, recycled) materials.

  6. My friends uses (glossy, cardboard, matt) boxes to divide her drawers.

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