Урок 18 (21.05.2020)

Thursday, 21st of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

  • Have you ever been to Scotland?

  • What Scottish traditions do you know?

  • Do you know who Robert Burns is?

Today we will speak about Scotland.

I. Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Scotland is famous for its national food, costumes and traditions.

To talk about Scotland we need some words. Follow the link - https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/6261/main/136656/ and repeat the new words after the speaker.

accompany - сопровождать

bagpiper - волынщик

entertaining - развлекательный, забавный

haggis - бараний рубец, начинённый потрохами со специями

host - хозяин, хозяйка

liver - печень

lung - лёгкое

mashed - размятый, растёртый

oatcake - овсяное печенье

pipe - волынка, играть на волынке

recite - читать вслух и наизусть

sharp - острый

sherry trifle - бисквит, пропитанный вином

starter - закуска

supper - ужин

turnip - репа

be in for a treat - быть угощённым

II. Listen to the text and try to understand it.

ex. 1, p. 115.mp3

III. Answer the questions (ORALLY):

  • What did you learn about the Burns Night?

  • When do people celebrate this festival?

  • Who is Robert Burns?

  • What happens on Burns Night?

  • What is Haggis?

Homework: Read the text "A Night for all Scots" once more, record the audio of your reading and send me: eteacherpetuhova@yandex.ru .