Урок 17 (19.05.2020)

Tuesday, 19th of May.


Hello, boys&girls! Nice to see you! Let's start our lesson!

Alternative energy

  • What does energy come from?

  • What is an alternative energy?

  • What type of energy is safer for the environment?

Watch the video and try to answer these questions - https://resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/4648/main/137477/

I. Nowadays more and more people believe that we should stop using coal and oil to get energy. Instead we should use the renewable sources of energy.

To talk about them we need some words.

coal - уголь

dam - дамба, плотина

flow - течь

fossil fuels - ископаемые виды топлива

fuel - топливо

oil - нефть

pie chart - круговая диаграмма

reservoir - водохранилище

rooftop - крыша

solar cell - элемент солнечной батареи

solar power station - солнечная электростанция

tower - башня

trap - запирать, ловить

waste - отходы

wind turbine - ветряная турбина

II. Open your books on p. 153. Listen to the text and complete the gaps.

Think of two questions you would like to ask about the alternative energy (ORALLY).

ex. 2b, p. 153.mp3

III. Do the tasks in WRITTEN form.

  • Choose the correct answer.

  1. We use the (fossil, alternative, coal) energy in our town.

  2. (Flow, Coal, Dam) is a type of fossil fuels.

  3. There is a (dam, gas, fuel) that helps to prevent flooding.

  4. We use (lake, pie chart, gas) to heat the house.

  5. (Pollute, Generator, Oil) is not a renewable source of energy.

  6. People (reservoir, pollute, rooftop) the environment.

  • Cross the odd ONE out.

  1. Alternative energy, solar cell, wind turbine, tower

  2. Oil, gas, dam, fossil fuels

  3. Lake, rooftop, flow, dam

  4. Pollute, power, fossil fuels, generator

  5. Generator, power, solar power station, trap


Составить распространённые предложения с новыми словами (7-8).

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