Round Up en Bayer

Overheid met betrekking tot wetgeving gebruik Glyfosaat;

Mystery Science: More Details on the Strange Organism That Could Destroy Monsanto

May 5, 2011, CBS News

A noted plant scientist who spent much of his career at Purdue University sent a letter to the USDA informing the agency that he'd discovered a mysterious new disease-causing organism in Monsanto's (MON) genetically engineered Roundup Ready corn and soybeans. Now, that scientist - Don Huber - has written a follow-up letter ... and appears in a videotaped interview where he presents an even scarier picture of the damage he claims Monsanto's herbicide chemical glyphosate (the main ingredient in Roundup) is doing to both plants and the animals who eat them. Use of glyphosate has soared thanks to widespread use of Monsanto's soy and corn seeds, which are genetically modified to survive its effects. The problem with glyphosate, Huber says, is that it effectively "gives a plant AIDS," weakening its defenses and making it more susceptible to pathogens, such as the one his team discovered. The scientists have taken to calling the bug "the electron microscope (EM) organism," since it can only be seen with an electron microscope. Huber claims that the double whammy of weakened defenses and the new EM organism have contributed to "unexplained epidemics" of disease on farms. He's heard from cattle farmers who are struggling because they're experiencing a 15% infertility rate and 35% rate of spontaneous abortions among their herds. When the farmers switch to non-GE soy and corn for feed, the problems decline dramatically.

Note: For more on this important topic, see this article. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing news articles on food system corruption and GMOs.

Uit de bovenstaande link;

"... Glyfosaat in middelen als chemische onkruidbestrijding verboden in de groenvoorziening én in particuliere tuinen, in werking sinds 2016

Het Europese verbod op o.a. glyfosaat heeft gevolgen voor groenvoorzieners zoals Allgroen bv én ook voor u als particuliere tuinbezitter. Zo morgen er geen chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen meer worden gebruikt voor de groenvoorziening in gemeenten.

Een uitzondering geldt op het bestrijden van onkruid in de petrochemische tak. Allgroen bv kent de specifieke veiligheidsregels omtrent het groenonderhoud op petrochemische ‘plant’. Hiervoor hebben wij de mogelijkheid om onkruid duurzaam te bestrijden zonder gebruik te maken van gas/ontbranding.

Maar indien dit de veiligheid in geding brengt, dan mogen wij als uitvoerder, en als uitzondering op de Europese regelgeving, pleksgewijs gebruik maken van chemische onkruidverdelgingsmiddelen. ..."

June 2020; Bayer betaalt $ 10 miljard schikking voor kankerverwekkend glyfosaat Monsanto;

July 2020; Mexico Announces Pase-Out and Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides - Sustainable Pulse;

2. Oktober 2020; Bayer Slumps as Bleak Crop Outlook Saps Monsanto Rationale;