Change inside the

basic rules

Transforming our law system into a nature based new useful tool. Let's make a healthy and real paradise!

*verschillende landen laten ons zien hoe het moet

#law #nature #paradise #tool

*Different countries show how to act

#wetten #natuurwetten #paradijs #handvatvoorverandering

#leisdanatureza #verdadeiroparaíso #novalegislação

*Diferentes países nos mostram como

We can make this World a better place

Our juristic system has made a lot of rules in the last hundred years. Normaly rules and government should be supporting society. In the 21 century more and more it looks like of the system is overruling the individual rights and the rights of Nature and all living beings.

Some people say the result of our system of rules is our environmental crisis because this environment - nature, doesn't have any right instead of it's supporting our basic needs in any aspect!

So; basically we disturbing our own future. Nature will be there even if we make e complete dessert on this planet. Only we, the people, will no longer excist. So; we are talking about a mind shift. About a changing consciousness into a healthy understanding of our basic needs and learning working together with nature. We don't have environmental problems. we have a problem with and inn our system of rules, laws and rights.

Ecological Economics

the natural supply of ecosystems is more as $33 trillion dollar to the measurements of 1997

There is one point more.. even if you have $33 trillion can you buy Nature back again when it's lost?

Nature is our basic in life. Economy is a piece of toy made by humans. We can live without economy. We can't live without nature. Please be aware and change your way of thinking and acting! Implement Nature rights

  • Individual freedom

  • The rights of Nature

  • Transforming the system

  • Government as a service to the people

  • New healthy goals

We invite everybody to reorganize our society A real transform the system initiative by a constitutional amendment. Make our society healthy, future proof, excepting human and nature rights and more.

Participate in our network 'Lets make this World and every organization a better place to be'

#ffrmnetwork The illusion of a separation between #nature and #human; We can't live without nature.

The discussions on internet are basically not about nature extinction or the extinction of specific animals or plants. These discussions basically are about human extinction and; how much humans will survive when we make another decision. Nature, Mother Earth, will always be there in any form. If we are thinking economy is more important than nature then this is a big and dangerous illusion. Our economy is completely depending on nature.

Everybody who would like to argue about these points; please hold your breath.. ask yourself which raw materials used in our economy are taken from nature. You and our economy need nature or? Do you need money? Nature is alway's on the first place. 'Natural living people have the longest breath'. We only need a change in the general mindset and goals in our society into the direction of natural thinking and informing our children in a honest way. It's a logical decision. Money is only a tool. It's basically damaging our health and society with the structures behind money like interest and money devaluation. We have a problem in our selfmade system.

Let's change the system;

"Financial institutions must increasingly factor in the consequences of a changing climate and the transition to a carbon neutral economy ..."

"..... From the source above;

Benefiting the bottom line

Why would corporations want to get involved?

First off, it may benefit their bottom line. Big companies depend on robust natural ecosystems systems and individual species.

We calculate that the increase in revenue and profits from biodiversity conservation could generate between $25 billion and $50 billion annually to fund global conservation efforts.

The seafood industry stands to gain $53 billion annually from an increase in marine stocks. This could generate $5 billion to $10 billion each year to spend on preserving biodiversity.

The insurance industry could see an additional $52 billion from increasing the area of protected coastal wetlands with a similar investment.

Agriculture also has an incentive to protect habitats of wild pollinators, who along with managed populations enhance global crop production by an amount a global group of scientists estimates to be worth between $235 billion to $577 billion annually.

What’s more, there is growing evidence that when corporations engage in environmental stewardship, they become more attractive investments and their borrowing costs decline.

Corporate social responsibility ...."

Shareholders change the World

The Wrong way around; not tackle climate but change the financial - and juristic system. That's the real problem.

Nature can live without us. We can't live without Nature.

But still we can realise a paradise back again.

It's about a system crisis not the climate. The climate and nature will always exist. We will survive if we change our way of thinking and acting and transform our old systems into working in harmony with nature and putting the citizen again central in our society. Not the system. That system is only made as a service to the people. Nothing more.

We can change our self and our system. It's a system crisis noting more.