Protecting Nature Farmers and Native People

Learn to work in harmony with Nature. Agriculture and Nature, combine in a harmonic way. Our future is Nature based

Another way of thinking:

From the page below; "... After an examination of relevant observations; epidemiological statistics, clinical data, legal precedents, international perspectives, and a 630 page report from the State of California regarding the chemical's ban, the author finds due to the severity of these allegations; Bayer may not be able to prove it's innocence due to the impossibility of running clinical trials regarding the safety of this herbicide on humans. This puts the company completely at the mercy of barristers; phase 1 safety trials on animals, and testimony of former Monsanto employees on whether or not glyphosate is actually carcinogenic. Moreover, just 1% of negative judgement on its pending litigation with damages awarded citing Johnson vs. Monsanto as precedent has the potential to deliver a killing blow to Bayer's non-goodwill adjusted shareholder's equity. ..."

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