Summer Story Times

Shiver Me Letters: 

A Pirate Read Aloud 

by June Sobel

The pirates are on an adventure to capture the entire alphabet.  Listen to the story and find out if they succeed.  Perhaps you might be inspired to go on a letter hunt at home.  What letters can you find? Can you find the letters in ABC order? 

This video uses graphic designs from Canva. 

Ten Little Fish

by Audrey Wood

Reading books with counting and numbers helps preschoolers learn early math skills. This book starts with ten fish and as the teacher turns each page of the story - one fish goes away. This is a great book that shows how if you take one away, you can count down (or count backwards). See if you can find any books at home or at the Public Library that have numbers or counting in them. Have fun reading and counting at home! 

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell!

by Lucille Colandro 

This is a video that shows a book from the,  "There Was An Old Lady" series. In this book, the author uses repeating phrases and rhyming words. Can you listen for the rhyming words in this book? Look around your house or at the Public Library and see if you can find any rhyming books. Have fun rhyming at home! 

The Napping House

by Audrey Wood

This book is a sweet story about a granny that lies sound asleep and snoring on her cozy bed. Soon she is joined by a dreaming child, who lies right on top of the snoring granny. As the story progresses, animals keep being added to the sleepy people on the cozy bed. This book shows a great way to use repetition when telling a story. We hope you like it. Enjoy!