Summer Math Fun

Fishy Patterns

Patterns are so much fun! A pattern is something that repeats itself. Can you figure out the patterns in this video?


This is a video showing how you can play with numbers using measurement. The teacher uses blocks (length) and dandelions (height) to measure. Using unifix cubes she shows how you can measure by counting how many unifix cubes long is each block. Which block was longer? Which block was shorter? Then, she shows you how to use a ruler to measure dandelions. Which dandelion was longer? Which dandelion was shorter? Have fun measuring at home!

Positional Words

Did you know that 'Positional Words' are an important part of Early Math? In this video, we play with a house, a person, and a block while we explore the meaning of positional words: in front, behind, beside, under, on top, between, around, in, and out.

Ten Frame Game

Playing and having fun with numbers helps young children to see themselves as mathematicians! If we make math part of our daily life, we help our child have fun while also learning about counting and thinking about numbers. Try counting things as a part of your child's daily life. You'll find that they love to count everything from the stairs they climb to the crackers they eat. You can also set aside some time to sit down and play games. The ten frame game helps your child learn:

1) How to count.

2) There are little numbers inside of big numbers.

3) Playing with Dots on a dice can help us to start just knowing that the 2 dots on the dice are always 2. And, soon, we don't have to count the dots - we just know it's 2.