Winter Math Fun

Comparing Sizes

Learn about comparing sizes of objects in this instructional video. Students will compare sizes and sort them accordingly in this activity that can also be altered in many ways for further practice.

Learn About Patterns

Math is based on patterns and structure. Children look for patterns in their world to tie information together. Patterns exist in various forms. This video shows how basic visual patterns can be created.

More Patterns

This video provides more ideas on making patterns. You can use socks, spoons, cars, toy animals or anything that you have handy. Have fun!

Take Apart & Put Together

Gingerbread Men

This video is teaching rote counting skills as well as one-to-one correspondence as the gingerbread cookies are counted to make sets. The sets are then taken apart and put back together. They also are making comparisons by determining which gingerbread sets have more or less.