
There are many ways to share the video with your students. You can upload it on YouTube, use a learning management system or share it on your website.

YouTube is a dedicated streaming service and it can modify video settings depending upon the network bandwidth of the student. We suggest that you upload the video on YouTube and share the link on a learning management system (like mooKIT) or your website.

Uploading video files on YouTube

STEP 1: Login to YouTube with your google ID in the browser.

STEP 2: In the top right-hand corner of the browser, click on CREATE > Upload Video

STEP 3: Click on “SELECT FILE” and choose the file you want to upload or you can also drag and drop the respective file .

NOTE: You can upload up to 15 videos at a time. Be sure to click Edit on each file to edit your video details.

After selecting a file to upload, if you close the upload screen at any point of time, your video will be saved as a draft on the Videos page.

STEP 4: Select an .mp4 or .mov file to upload. If you are getting an “invalid file format “ error message, make sure you are using one of the supported youtube file formats. Click here to get a list of them click here.

You will have to go through 3 stages to complete the process :

  • Details

  • Video elements

  • Visibility


1) Add important details to your video.

TITLE - The title of your video. This field is required.

DESCRIPTION - Info that shows below your video.

THUMBNAIL - The image viewers will see before clicking your video.

PLAYLISTS - Add your video to one of your existing playlists, or create a new playlist.

AUDIENCE - To comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), you’re required to tell us whether your videos are made for kids.

AGE RESTRICTION - Age-restrict videos that may not be appropriate for all audiences

At the bottom of the Details page, you can select MORE OPTIONS to choose advanced settings for your video .

MORE OPTIONS include paid promotions , tags , subtitles, license and more . This is optional.

2) Once you have added these details , click on “NEXT”.

You can use the monetisation page to turn the monetisation on or off. Only YouTube Partner Program members are eligible to monetize. Others may ignore this .


Add an end screen and cards to show viewers related videos,websites and calls to actions.

END SCREEN - Add visual elements to the end of your video. Your video must be 25 seconds or longer to add an end screen. This option is only available after your video is done processing.
CARDS - Add interactive content to your video. This option is only available after your video is done processing.

Save the changes and Click on “NEXT”.


1.) Under visibility, you can choose to publish your video as “Public” or “Unlisted” or can set it as “Private”.

PUBLIC - Anybody can see your video

UNLISTED - Anybody with the video link can see your video

PRIVATE - Only you and people you choose can see your video

You can also schedule your video for a future date and time.

STEP 5: Click on DONE once you have completed all your stages . Your video will be published according to your convenience.

This 2 min video demonstrates the above process briefly and makes things very simple video.