Below we provide a simple guide to use MNML Screen Recorder. This is just a screen and audio recorder. You need to use your own note-taking application along with this application.

Step 1: (Setup) Download and install the open-source application MNML.

Step 2: (Settings) Open the application. Provide any permission it ask for, which is necessary for its operation. Then, tap on the settings button on the top, as marked.

.. which will open a menu, where tap on 'Settings'.

Further tap on the section 'Recording'

.. and make sure that Record Audio is turned on, as shown.

Step 3: (Start Recording) Then go back to the start page of the application and press the large Record button. This will ask your permission to record the screen and audio.

.. once you tap Start now, it will start a count-down of 3 seconds before it starts recording. Then you can go back to the note taking application to take note. This application will run in the background and record the screen and audio.

Step 4: (Stop Recording) Once the teaching is over, go back the MNML app again, and press the Stop button to stop the recording.

.. it will then show the recording, tapping that will open the video for your preview.

Step 5: (Share) To share the video, long-press the video, which will select the video. Then tap on the share button at the top, as marked, which will provide possible ways to share the video, such as uploading to One Drive or Google Drive, if these applications are installed.