
Below we provide one test-case scenario, which is based on Samsung Tab S4 and with the apps: LectureNotes, LectureVideos.

Step 1: (Setup) Purchase and install this application LectureNotes

& purchase and install the second application LectureVideos. This application by itself does nothing but provides the capability of screen-recording to the LectureNotes application.

These applications, which are specifically made for lecture note taking, are well suited for lecture recordings.

Step 2: (Settings) Open the LectureNotes app, and click on the settings menu on top

Then tap on the text 'Settings'

Then tap on the text 'Extensions'

Change the settings as shown on the picture

Step 3: (Create Notebook) Go back to the first page of the app. Tap the + sign on top

This will ask whether a new notebook or folder should be created. Notebooks can be organized in folders. Let us open a notebook.

This gives us options for the notebook. A set of good option is as above, which can be used. The marked area 'Type here' can be typed to provide a name for the nookbook.

Where we using a notebook named test. Then tap on Create and Open, as marked.

Step 4: (Recording) This will open a notebook. Now, tapping on the video icon, as marked, will immediately start the recording. Then one can write on the notebook and speak, which will be recorded as a video. Once the video recording is over, just tap again on the video icon, which will stop the recording.

Step 5: (Share) to share the video, tap on the settings menu (three vertical dots) on the top left.

In the menu that opens, tap on the 'Notebook video replay'

This opens the recordings. Taping any video will play the video. To share, tap on the share button, as shown

Then it will ask, which video to share. Just tap on the video that you would like to share, which will be encoded and shared as a mp4 file, that can be uploaded in other applications, such as OneDrive/Google Drive or Dropbox, if any such applications are installed.

Numerous settings can be modified to make the application best suited for your purpose of use.