
Male TBD HB #1079 Design by Yugi AU: Modern


Vincent doesn't tend to be one to spend a ton of time with others, not a particularly sociable viscet. He can be a bit distant around people he doesn't know or in places where he isn't comfortable in, so sarcasm has become his self-defense mechanism. His way of speech could be described as rather blunt, and in spite of the fact that he has a colorful vocabulary he tends to mumble quite a bit. It isn't that he's afraid to raise his voice, he's just much rather not to have to. When Vincent does bother to raise his voice it is likely because he is either in an argument, which isn't uncommon, or being rambunctious with his friends. Vincent is a reliable friend, but sways away from emotions since he has very little idea as to how to handle them. He operates almost like a wolf. If you're a friend, he's friendly enough; he'll keep up with a conversation, laugh along with your jokes, and have a friendly debate. However, if you've offended him or one of his few friends, it can be quite different. Vincent can be cold, standoffish, vengeful, confrontational, and as much as he'd like to deny it, actually rather rude. Over all, Vincent is normally a passive and courteous viscet but will treat others the way they treat him. He loves his parents, but of Bastion and Rey's three adopted children, he has the most distant relationship with them and tends to only visit for holidays, birthdays, and big events.

Offspring: #1447 (ooc), #261 (ooc)