
Female Straight #1212 Design by Placebo AU: Modern


Rosella likes to call herself an introvert but quite frankly is a poor example of one, as she actually rather enjoys being out and around other viscets even if it does tire her. Rose loves listening to debates and picking apart each side of an argument. She doesn't do this to criticize others, she mainly does it to keep herself mentally alert and offer each debater the chance to correct misunderstandings. Her insightfulness makes her a popular mediator in debates. On the contrary her it can also cause her to think far more quickly than her mouth can work, causing her to spit out many half-formed ideas and suggestions. Rose also loves to share her ideas with anyone who will listen, and can talk for hours about ideas ranging from fantastical travel plans to analytical papers to the willing ears of her friends. Open-minded, Rose will never shut anyone down without hearing their side of the story and will often help develop the said story farther if asked to do so. Unfortunately, with so many ideas running around her head Rose often has trouble committing to one. On top of that, once Rose does get fed up with somebody, she can be a tad condescending, even if she's trying to explain something. She might be an acquired taste, but her friends swear she's a diamond in the rough.


  • Xian - Rosella's best friend. Since meeting in their teen years, Xian and Rosella just clicked. Xian has helped Rose through a good number of struggles, many of them being heartbreaks, and Rose has helped Xian become a little more chill. Xian makes sure Rose's scatterbrain doesn't get out of control and Rose reminds Xian that imperfection is okay.

  • Vanna - Vanna was introduced to Rose through Xian, and the two also started to get along quite well. Vanna could sit and listen to Rose's fantasies all day. Rose enjoys Vanna's relaxed company and finds her fun to debate with.

  • Vincent - wip

Offspring: #1055 (ooc), #1071 (ooc), Catalina (ooc)