
Bigender (masc) Polysexual #314 Design by silversongbird0 AU: Modern


  • Spent most of his childhood very hard of hearing, once his hearing was restored he realized he loved the sounds of nature

  • Lived far inland and was never able to visit the beach, but dreamed of the sounds of the waves (cried the first time he heard the waves and the gulls)

  • Worked until he had money to move to the coast, house is a 5 minute walk to the beach, and the boardwalk where he works

  • Currently owns a candy/ice cream joint on the boardwalk, next door to Jesse's bar

  • Freaking sweetheart, literally born for his job, super social and loves kids

  • Lives in the same neighborhood as Jesse and Vibrance, all tend to hang out together

  • Gay panics when he sees anyone he has a crush on