About us

The village hall is on the Downderry main road and the Main Hall was built in 1890.

Main Hall: The main hall is accessed via a ramp to the front door and is on one level. It has a wooden floor, a versatile stage that can be configured to various heights and sizes and lights and sound for theater productions. It has toilets, wall mounted heaters and is dog friendly. This makes it ideal to hire for most types of events and social occasions including birthday parties, wedding receptions etc. There is also free WiFi.

Snooker Room: The Snooker room is accessed via a side door and down a flight of stairs. The door is kept closed so members wishing to play need to pay a £10 charge to obtain a key. Members can use the snooker table when no matches are being played. For more information contact Keith Smith. Dogs are not allowed in this room. Members please note, after using the Snooker Room you must turn off the lights and lock the door.

Facebook group: For the latest news, upload photos and take part in discussions about the Village Hall follow our Facebook group, just search for Downderry and Seaton Village Hall or follow this link - https://www.facebook.com/groups/204478990343982/ .

Note: The Village Hall does not have a car park, however, there is a public car park on the opposite side of the main road. For information about our Village, go to the Downderry and Seaton Residents Association website.

Constitution and Rules

For more information about the Village Hall see our Policies and Procedures which includes a copy of our Constitution and Rules.