
A Study of Phonological Transfer: Entering Tone in Taiwanese to Stop Consonants in English 



指導教授: 石儒居 博士


A Study of Phonological Transfer: Entering Tone in Taiwanese to Stop Consonants in English


台灣人共學英語當做是足重要ê代誌。研究者發覺著蓋濟人講英語ê時共塞音放無去,毋過tse有存在佇台語內底。這个研究欲探討台灣人佇英語音節尾無送氣塞音聲母 /p/ /t/ /k/ /b/ /d/ /g/ê發音。測驗內底有三个項目,受測者佇第一項目聽佮分辨帶塞音ê兩个字。第二項目是唸讀,予受測者唸一句台語來評估台語程度。佇第三項目受測者綴唸20句短語、短句,錄音才閣佮sa̋m-phú-luh ê 頻譜做比較,看敢有共塞音表現出來。經過五個月,uì87个受測者內底,記錄佮分析83組个資料,其中65个人母語是台語,18个人母語是華語。到尾仔結果顯示,台語人確實佇音節尾無送氣塞音个綴唸項目表現較好華語人;毋過佇聽辨項目就無啥精差。人口因素嘛有囥佇研究內底。某種原因無論教育程度,抑是查埔查某佇兩个測驗項目攏不多。另外圖表頂面个趨勢顯示,佇聽辨項目佮綴唸項目,十幾歲組到二十幾歲組表現攏是上崎,毋過二十歲組以後分別佇聽辨項目是落崎,佇綴唸項目就較平坦。

關鍵詞: 入聲,台噢,華噢,發音,塞音


Taiwanese people see learning English as a very important matter. The research found that many people speak English without stop consonants, but these exist in Taiwanese.This study aimed to explore Taiwanese people’s production of English syllable-coda stop consonants unreleased /p//t//k//b//d//g/. Participants performed on three tasks. The first task was the listening and identifying, on which participants listened to the sample and identified a pair of words or phrases with stop consonants.The second task was a reading aloud task of a sentence in Taiwanese in order to evaluate the participants’proficiency of Taiwanese. Participants retelled phrases or short sentences in English on the third task.Then the recordings were compared to the sample spectrum to see if they stop on the stop consonants. It took about 5 months to collect the data and 83 sets of data were accepted from 87 participants. Among them 65 were native Taiwanese speakers, and 18 were native Mandarin Chinese speakers. Afterwards, the findings of this study shows that native Taiwanese speakers did perform better than native Mandarin Chinese speakers on the retelling task of syllable-coda unreleased stop consonants, but not on the listening and identifying task. Demographic factors were also taken into consideration. Somehow people at different education levels and either female or male scored without significant differences between two tasks. Besides the trends on the graph went upwards from the group of teenage to the group of twenties on both tasks, but downwards on listening and identifying task and relatively flat on the speaking task after the group of twenties respectively.

Keywords: entering tone, Mandarin Chinese, Pronunciation , stop consonants, Taiwanese 

授權: 屏科圖書館、國家圖書館、華藝