
Storytelling, Graphical Representations, and Chinese Immigration Experience in Three American Children’s Picture Books



指導教授: 王瀚陞 博士


Storytelling, Graphical Representations, and Chinese Immigration Experience in Three American Children’s Picture Books




關鍵字: 敘事、圖像再現、童年經驗、中國移民 


     As an important tool in children’s education, picture books unfold stories to their reader both verbally and visually. Picture books thus register a realm where storytelling, graphical representations, and Chinese immigration experiences come into play. To respond to the revisionist approaches employed by contemporary Asian American writers, these writers of children’s picture books come up with more authentic, positive images of Chinese immigrants than those inadequate images presented in the nineteenth century. This thesis thus examines how Chinese immigration experience is represented through the graphic and verbal arts in Coolies, Landed, and Oranges on Golden Mountain, three picture books retelling the stories of Chinese children’s immigration to the United States to pursue their dreams.

     These three writers re-examined and represented young Chinese immigrants who left their native land, suffered unfair treatments, and were discriminated. By this way the three writers revised the conventional negative images of Chinese immigrants. Exploring the revisionist efforts made by these three writers, this thesis argues that the three picture books offer more realistic portrayals of diasporic experiences undergone by young Chinese immigrants crossing the Pacific Ocean in the nineteenth century.

Keywords: picture books, storytelling, graphical representations, childhood experiences, Chinese immigration