
EFL learners’ writing behaviors and attitudes: A comparison of in-class and out-of-class writing



指導教授:白查理 博士


EFL learners’ writing behaviors and attitudes: A comparison of in-class and out-of-class writing







關鍵詞: EFL學習者、課堂內寫作、課堂外寫作、寫作態度、寫作行為


     This study aims to investigate in-class and out-of-class writing behaviors and attitudes and the differences between them for improving the EFL writing learners’ writing ability and experience for one semester. The participants were English majored sophomore technical university students in Taiwan enrolled in a required English essay writing course. The data comes from five self-reporting questionnaires which included two questionnaires on out-of-class writing, two questionnaires on in-class writing, and one following the final essay writing exam, semi-structured interviews were also conducted with a sample with a sample of participants.

     From the investigation of the students’ out-of-class writing questionnaires, 93.80% of the students completed out-of-class writing tasks at their home or dorm; 81.80% took breaks during their first writing task which decreased to 70.30% on the second assignment. This result may be explained by some students might have changed their behaviors after having gone through the in-class and out-of-class writing experiences. The students had various distractions and encountered writing problems while they were writing in the out-of-class environment.

     From the investigation of the students’ self-reported in-class writing questionnaires, the number of students who completed the second in-class writing assignment in time decreased compared to the first in-class writing assignment. This may be explained by the perceived increased difficulty in the essay assignment(classification) or the students’ perceived self-efficacy toward different types of essays which might influence the students’ attitudes and efforts toward writing.

     Students reported that they preferred out-of-class writing to in-class writing 61.50% to 38.50% respectively. However, the researcher also found that students’ satisfaction with their writing was not greatly influenced no matter where they finished assignments. The following summation of opinions provided by participant students might reflect upon other influences on behaviors especially responses to motivation: (1) the students’ attitudes toward writing might depend on the type of essay writing assignment. Their self-efficacy may be lower when writing in less familiar types of rhetoric; (2) students may have perceived different score orientation based on past success.

     Based on the study, the findings offer clearer insight into EFL learners’ out-of-class and in-class writing behavior and attitudes. The implication and suggestions for future study are also discussed.

Keywords: EFL learners, in-class writing, out-of-class writing, writing attitudes, writing behaviors 

授權: 屏科大圖書館、國家圖書館、華藝 (皆未找到連結)