
Motivation and Satisfaction of Participants of Working Holiday Programs in the United States and Australia 



指導教授: 白查理 博士


Motivation and Satisfaction of Participants of Working Holiday Programs in the United States and Australia 


     眾所皆知勇又國際觀非常重要。為了要跟上世界日益月薪的變化,愈來愈多年輕人選擇出國體驗多彩多姿的生活及文化,因此打工度假成為年輕人熱門的選擇。相較於昂貴的留學,打工度假參與者可以用工作來傳去在當地的生活費及旅遊基金。目前台灣以與許多國家簽訂打工度假協議,而其中,最受台灣青年喜愛的打工度假地點是美國及澳洲。澳洲政府發予台灣青年打工度假簽證 ( Working Holiday Visa );而美國政府的則是發予J1簽證給打工度假計畫的參與者。

     本研究旨在比較美國及澳洲打工度假參與者的動機及滿意度,包含量化及質性分析。本研究包含兩次調查,且利用線上問卷及深度訪談進行資料收集。第一次的調查發現,參與者的前三大主要動機為:開拓視野、體驗文化以及增進語言能力。另外也發現不同國家參與者也有不同的動機: 選擇美國打工度假的目的大多是想要增進語言能力;而選擇澳洲供度假則是為了賺錢。第二次的調查旨在了解參與者對於語言、工作以及整體打工度假經驗的滿意度。調查中發現,美國和澳洲參與者的滿意度有顯著差異:美國參與者所有項目滿意度均高於澳洲參與者。最終根據研究結果,研究者提出建議給未來想參加打工度假的青年以及未來的研究。



     People are aware of the importance of having international perspectives. In order to keep pace with this changing world, more and more youth go abroad to experience different lifestyles and learn various cultures. Participating in working holiday programs has become a popular choice because of its lower costs compared with studying abroad. Participants can earn money to support their daily lives and travel expenses by working. Taiwan has signed agreements for working holiday programs with several countries. The United States and Australia are more popular destinations. The government of Australia issues a “Working Holiday Visa” and the government of the United States provides a “Summer Work Travel” program under its J1 visa.

     The purpose of this study is to compare participants’ motivations and satisfaction of the working holiday programs of the United States and Australia. Quantitative and qualitative methods are utilized. Two surveys were administrated and data was collected through online questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The first survey investigated motivations, destination choice and satisfaction with potential outcomes. The findings show he three main motivations of attending working holiday programs are to broaden one’s horizons, have cultural experiences, and improve language skills. The findings also show a difference of motivations between participants of the United States and Australia. Many of the participants of the USA program indicated that they were motivated by language concerns; however, for the participants of the Australian program, many of them chose the item of “to earn money” as one of their main motivations. The second survey investigated the participants’ satisfaction of employment, language, and overall program. The results indicated there are significant differences between the participants of different programs. Overall, the American program participants’ level of satisfaction is higher than the participants of the Australian program. On the aspects of language and employment, the American program participants were more satisfied than the Australian program participants.

Keywords: working holiday, Summer Work Travel, Working Holiday Maker, motivation, satisfaction 

授權: 屏科圖書館、國家圖書館、華藝