TEC 904- Final Reflective Blog- Mobile Learning

We are nearing the end of the program and we are at another end of a course. It goes quickly, but it has been a good run so far. Course TEC 904 has been all about Mobile Learning in the classroom. We started with some tips and tricks, to evaluating apps in the classroom, to how we use mobile learning in the classroom. Our final workshop was cancelled and/or postponed prior to this post.

There were many takeaways during this course. Here are three in no order of importance.

  1. Creation versus consumption
  2. Solid teaching before technology
  3. Evaluating apps in light of 4Cs.

As I have stated before, the idea of creating versus consumption is one that I have been exposed to more than once during this program/course. This is a cool shift in education recently that says we are needing to move our learners past simply sitting in front of a teacher/textbook/tech and consuming the information. It is becoming a matter of "what can you do with what you know". In a couple of the workshops, we got a chance to look at some creations tools.

Andy Losik had a great resource that he called the Chromebook Creativity Project and on it, he has some creative ways to use the CB. When we were with Jody Green, we were challenged to evaluate any new app (which I will talk more about below), particularly in how the app allows students to create something useful and unique.

Second (and this applies to each of these, but CUE folks do a fantastic job of explaining that good teaching MUST come before technology and this is coming from a group of Computer Using Educators. I have only been to a couple CUE conferences and these workshops, but the focus is very rarely on the tech alone IF it doesn't support our teaching and the students' learning. It is okay to be excited about the new tool or toy, but, as educators, we need to be thinking about how it supports our students. Or, an important one for me- gives good data, while not adding a bunch of work (AKA Time) to my plate.

Last, but not least, is the evaluation of new (or old) apps using the 4Cs as a guide. [An aside: I loved Jody Green's comment that the 4Cs should not be viewed as 21st Century skills, because we are 18 years into the 21st century. She suggests we label them contemporary skills.] As we approach a new tool, we want to ask ourselves does this tool help our students collaborate, communicate, think critically or create something useful and unique. If it doesn't do any or all of those things, we want to take pause. It may still be a good tool depending on our purpose for it, but I thought this framework was a good thing to keep in mind and maybe start to weed out different tools based on it's connection to the 4Cs.

Creativity definition=Allow my students to create something useful and unique?

I am looking forward to really working on the Final Project. I felt for most of this program, I have been in consumption mode; collecting ideas, tools, changing things. Now, I am looking forward to creating a resource to help curate/create items I can use so I don't lose it. Plus, having a resource I can point others when I share things that they may want to check out for themselves.

It is not just a matter of any one thing or assignment during this course, but just a general excitement because these presenters and fellow cohort members are sharing my passion for not becoming stagnant in my teaching. It is very easy to just find your groove and STAY there. Man, I don't want that. I don't ever want to think I've arrived. I don't ever want to think that I am better than the group. I may have cool ideas (that I likely learned or gleaned from someone else), but it doesn't mean they will work for you. Maybe they will. Maybe you would need to adapt, change throw away parts. My pride is not on the line if you don't. I am not less of a teacher if you don't use my stuff. We are all on different parts of this teacher journey. And that HAS to be okay.

I have been doing Back to School stuff for the last several weeks, so frankly, I have not been actively involved much. I have posted some things, and responded but not much more than that at this time. As it is I have more 400 new messages in my email that I haven't read (after skimming for the important ones). That is not good for me. I usually have mine down to 0 several days of the week. All that to say, my time has been limited lately.

Project status- I am nearing the part where I am ready to move forward with creation. Part of my hesitation this time is that my elective on creating a classroom website "has" to be done so I have a place to add the content in a centralized location. This part feels different, not just because of the upcoming deadline, but because am nearly ready.

Elective status- I only have a couple modules left in my last elective. So close!! I am excited to be done, but I am also excited to have a sweet website. And I am really glad that it is not looking like a clunky teacher MySpace page- no offense to MySpace.

Or sweet website. Napoleon Dynamite