TEC 900 Proposed Elective Plan

900- Proposed Elective Plan

Part of our assignment due today is to explain our plan for elective and any progress made. So, here goes.

My current plan is to take TEC 966- PBL Using Technology, TEC 991- Create a Class Website and I just signed up for TEC 950 Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

Last week, I signed up for my first elective and started working through the syllabus and first unit tasks. My big challenge is not necessarily the work load, but remaining disciplined to keep working through the classes, so I am not being the usual procrastinator I usually am. I have only spent a couple hours working this week on my elective and have completed the first Unit.

So far, I have only completed the first chapter in the book. I am looking forward to learning more about using Blogs, Wikis and other tools, either for the first time, or perhaps learn some more effective ways to use them.

It seems I want to be mindful of taking the electives during a 1 unit core class, instead of a 3 unit course.

These are the 3 questions I will need to respond to for part of applying the electives to the certificate. (taken from the Module TEC 900)

1) Describe a concept or skill you learned in the course and how you will integrate that into your teaching practice.

2) Explain how your proposed integration will benefit you, your school, and your learners.

3) Describe how you will evaluate your success in implementing the concept or skill. Be specific.

      • Timeline for Electives- I am currently in TEC950. I plan on signing up for Elective 2 around June 3 and Elective 3 around Aug. 13. Though ideally, once school is out, I work more quickly through them.