Google Slides

Getting Started with Google Slides

This video acts as a self-paced Google Slides introductory course in which you will practice skills necessary to create all the cool activities listed below by creating a virtual postcard.

Google Slide Scavenger Hunt

This fun Google Slides Scavenger Hunt activity was developed by one of my edu-blogers Catlin Tucker, and I've used this with 2nd graders, middle school, high school, and adult learners with great success. Simply open the link above, click on File and Make a Copy to try it on your own.

Make your own copy of Catlin Tucker's Google Slides Scavenger Hunt by clicking here

Unconventional Google Slides Templates

Memory Matching Game - Self-Assessing Quiz - Template for Do-Now for Entering Class

Self-Assessing Quiz Template 2

Get a copy of this template here.

Matching Game Figurative Language Template

Get a copy of this template here.

Enter Slide

Class Starter Slide. Get a copy of this template here.

This tutorial shows you how to create memes so you can assess student learning through a fun medium that they know and understand.

Engagement Strategies AVTI PD

This presentation goes over 5 ways to use Google Slides to mix up your lesson plans and assessments. Find a recording of this 40-minute session at this link.

Other Ready-Made Templates

Below, you'll find a few different templates that you or your students can adapt or recreate. The Daily Prophet and Comic Book templates were originally created by ed tech guru George Barcenas and the Instagram template is here thanks to the generosity of Jordan Jenison.

One of my personal heroes, the brilliant Eric Curts from ControlAltAchieve created the Jeopardy template.

Slides Carnival is a great source for free snazzy Google Slides templates.

001 Sample Thank You

Get a copy of this template here.

001 Newsletter

Get a copy of this template here.

Sample Syllabus - Daily Prophet

Get a copy of this template here.

Syllabus Comic Book Template

Get a copy of this template here.

Copy of YOUR MAGAZINE templates

Get a copy of this magazine template here.

Copy of Digital Magazine - Biology copy

Directions for a Biology Magazine Project (Courtesy of Jennifer Carlson)

001 Jeopardy Game 5-Topic Template

Get a copy of Mr. Curts' template here.

Copy of Certified Fresh Book Club

Get a copy of Mr. Rivas' template here.

OMAM Finsta Project (Template) (1).pptx

Get a copy of Mr. Jenison's template here.

Copy of This or That: editable template for background

Get a copy of Mr. Miller's template here.

Copy of Would You Rather Snapchat template

Get a copy of Mr. Miller's template here.

Copy of Interactive notebook master template

Get a copy of Mr. Miller's template here.

One of my favorite Edu bloggers, Matt Miller (@jmattmiller from uses Google Slides make Instagram Stories and Interactive Notebooks. Check out his blog post, the templates below, and download copies of his Instagram Stories Template and Interactive Notebook Template.

Instagram Stories with Google Slides
Copy of Instagram Stories template

Get a copy of Mr. Miller's template here.

Copy of My Face When: editable template for background

Get a copy of Mr. Miller's template here.

Also, find a brief video tutorial to create your own digital newsletter using Google Slides created by ed tech innovator Christie Cate.

You'll find some basics and practice tasks in my Level 1 Google Educator Training page as well.

Google Slides for Infographs

Easily create beautiful infographics with Google Slides in just a few steps.

Create a new slide and either choose a template or change the background.

Then under File, choose "Page Set Up," select "Custom," and enter the desired dimensions.

Gamification Infograph

Make a copy of this template here.

Professional Growth Infographic v2

Make a copy of this template here.

Add Ons to Step Up Your Google Slides Game

Make your slide decks more appealing by adding images. Below, you'll find four add ons to help you.

Insert Images from within Google Slides

Otherwise, you can upload photos from your computer, Google Drive, or Google Photos.

You can also search the web (see image to the right) for photos that you have permission to use and manipulate.

Pro tip: add "PNG" after the search term to find images that have a transparent background.

Create Stop Motion Animation with Google Slides

Have students make animations to demonstrate understanding of concepts, like vocabulary development as in the animated slide deck illustrating the definition of "coalesce" below.

Click on the image above to be redirected to the "Floating Stitch" animation made by my daughter Audrey.

The video to the right explains how to make an animation like the one I created above. Although the video suggests changing the the default 1000 milliseconds between slides to 75 milliseconds, I did 200 milliseconds in the sample above. That seemed a better pace. You may need to play with that number.

Find and Create Images to Enhance Your Slides

Life Tags from Google Arts & Culture

Over 4 million Life Magazine photographs have been organized, curated, and made searchable by tags into an encyclopedia at Google Arts & Culture's Life Tags Experiment.

Remove Any Object from a Photo with

Remove any object, people, text, or defects with this simple-to-use, free tool.

Remove Background at

Make your own icons and images with the free and super easy to use background remover site