Classroom Management

"Effective classroom management is more than just plugging in a series of consequences to match student misbehavior. It is a complex of approaches that draws on an understanding of three primary areas: the students, the teachers, and the relationship between the two. Success lies in awareness not only of our actions but also of who we are as people." --Rick Smith from Conscious Classroom Management

Before-School Checklist: Questions to Consider - When I go over this handy checklist of questions (created by and published on Conscious Teaching's website) with beginning teachers, I often hear, "I never thought of that!" I recommend going over this with a veteran or mentor teacher, especially if there are any particular questions that especially concern you.

Ideas for Back to School Night and Open House - One night a year (sometimes two), you have lots of parents as a captive audience. Make the most of this moment by showing parents how you engage their students by engaging them.

The Wonders of a Clear Daily Objective - Imagine students refraining from ever asking questions like, “When will I ever need to use this?” because they’re convinced that they need whatever content you’re peddling. Clear objectives also help students know what they should be doing, and avoid what they shouldn't be doing.

Student Engagement Strategies - Check out an overview of resources from strategies gathered from Grace Dearborn and Katie Anderson’s 2019 New Teacher Center Symposium in Dallas, TX presentation titled “Engage Them, Don’t Cage Them: Brain Compatible Strategies for Motivating Reluctant Learners.”

Getting to Know Your Students - You'll have all year to get to know your students and build a strong rapport with them, but putting in some extra effort to get to know the people you will spend the next ten months with early on is a worthwhile investment.

Getting to Know Your Students (With Maps)! - Kill two proverbial birds by getting to know your students while teaching them how to use Thinking Maps.

Hypnosis, My Secret Weapon: How Effective Call Backs Can Help Manage a Classroom - An indispensable bat-a-rang to every teacher’s proverbial utility belt, the Call-for-Attention or Call Back Procedure, can increase your productivity, preserve your voice, and decrease teacher fatigue.

Fundamentals of Lesson Planing - Legendary college basketball coach John Wooden famously began his first practice each year with fundamentals: not layups, passing, or even dribbling, but with properly tying shoe laces. Similarly, designing a lesson plan is a often overlooked, under-appreciated fundamental of the teaching profession.

How to End Class - At this link you'll find 10 ways to use the last 10 minutes of class to identify student success, as well as resources, templates and links to tutorials.

Un-Syllabus Ideas - "Going over the syllabus is SO FUN!" said no one ever... until they tried one of these ideas.

Warm Ups, Bell Ringers, & Do Nows, Oh My! - Every minute of class time is vital. The first few are no exception. At the link, find strategies and resources to start class off with students engaged and set a tone for the rest of the period.