Neemias Queta

The design (BTS)

Background: I wanted to strip back what I did last week to the very basics, but I still wanted to create something with some hype. I found this great photo of USU basketball player Neemias Queta and I thought turning it into a 90’s themed Nike ad would fit pretty well. Nike slogans are usually concise, but powerful — so I chose “Discover Greatness” because I felt it could be effective as a recruiting tool for athletes who might see Neemi and want to come find their own greatness at USU.

Contrast: I chose black and white for the photo because it fit more with the 90’s theme I was going for, so the main piece of contrast is the lettering on the jersey. In previous versions I illuminated the USU logo, but that drew too much attention away from Neemi. I felt it needed just a little pop from the full black and white image.

Alignment: I purposely cropped this in from a much larger photo to put Neemi’s eyes on the top third line and the USU logo on the bottom third. I also aligned the text with the screen on the jumbotron.

Proximity: The image has a good balance divided in half vertically or in thirds horizontally. Neemi is taking up the left side and the jumbotron the right.

Repetition: USU colors were used to accent the jersey as if it were the true colors in a regular image. Another subtle hint of repetition is the usage of Nike font on the jumbotron.

Color Scheme: The main color scheme is black and white, white USU colors to accent the uniform.

Font Choice: I wanted to recreate as close to a NIKE ad as possible, so I found their font type and used that for the text.

Photoshop: As mentioned previously, I wanted this to be very simple. So there were only a few steps to this design. First, black and white the original image. Then, crop the image tight on Neemi. After, I duplicated the image and applied a layer mask for both the text “Aggies” and the number 23 so I could apply some adjustments and colorization. Finally, I used the type tool for the text and warp tool to wrap it around the jumbotron screen.

Photo Credits: Iain Laurence/Utah Statesman

Font credits: Futura, Condensed Extrabold.

For a video on the process of creating this design, you can visit Dalton Renshaw on YouTube.