
Pictured: Academy Co-Founder Elena Hansen

Anyone Can Cosplay

The Colorado Academy of Cosplay strives to foster an inclusive community for all of us to enjoy and share our love of cosplay. We strongly believe that cosplay is for everyone and anyone can cosplay.

Below is a list of common myths about cosplay and why they're not true.

Myth: You need to make your cosplay to be a cosplayer

Cosplay is meant to be fun, no matter what. Your cosplay can be 100% bought off the shelf at a costume store and it's still cosplay. There is no rule, no guideline, no requirement to how much you need to make or alter a costume yourself in order for it to be a cosplay. And no, making a cosplay yourself does not make you better than someone who bought theirs.

Myth: Cosplay is only for younger people

You can cosplay at any age. Whether you're 8 or 88, you can do it!

Myth: You need to have the body or looks of the character you're cosplaying

No matter your body size, skin color, gender, ability, disability, or any other physical attributes, you can cosplay whoever you want. It's also very important to stress that body-shaming of any kind is never acceptable.

Myth: You have to dress sexy to be a cosplayer

No. Just, no. Sure, a lot of characters have outfits that perhaps show some skin but showing skin is not a requirement to be a cosplayer nor is it ever a requirement to be a well-known or even professional cosplayer. However, if those are the type of characters or outfits you want to cosplay, go for it. Nobody should ever be pressured into either showing more skin or showing less skin. Cosplay whoever you want. It's also important to stress that cosplay is not consent. Just because a cosplayer is showing some skin, does not mean you are allowed to touch or even cat call, flirt, or otherwise verbally assault.

Myth: If you are going to cosplay a character, you need to know a lot about that character and the source they came from (movie, comic, show, etc.)

You can cosplay a character and know literally nothing about that character. Many people choose their cosplays based solely on clothing, armor type, or even skills, techniques, and materials needed in a cosplay, having zero knowledge of the character or its source. And that's ok! On the same note, don't assume that just because a cosplayer dresses as a character they are experts on the subject matter.

Myth: You need to have a lot of money to cosplay

An amazing cosplay can cost as little as nothing at all. Cosplay on whatever budget you have.

Myth: You need to have a social media presence in order to be considered a cosplayer

This is incredibly untrue. Social media presence is 120% irrelevant to being a cosplayer. In fact, some of the most skilled cosplayers will have little to no online presence, whatsoever. Additionally, many cons will choose their cosplay guests and contest judges with complete disregard to online presence.

Myth: You need to make new cosplays regularly

No. Cosplay isn't some subscription that you have to renew annually with a new cosplay. Have one cosplay that you've worn for the last 10 years? Perfect.

How can you help spread positivity and inclusion?

Simply, be nice to others, spread the message that anyone can cosplay, lead by example, and defend and support those who are victims of bullying and exclusion.