
Ambassadors are charged with:

A Commitment to the Academy's mission statement

Maintaining a regular presence on the Facebook group

Representing the Academy and the cosplay community online and offline

Promoting the Academy and the cosplay community whenever the opportunity presents itself

Putting on at least one panel at a con per year

Photo by Yuki Cat Captures


Personify Cosplay

Personify Cosplay, also referred to as Percy, has been cosplaying since 2015. In 2017, they started getting more into cosplay as they needed a solo outlet of creativity and making fellow nerdy friends. The hobby started to grow when they started attending conventions more frequently and started to make friends within the community. Percy has made many cosplays and modeled even more. Percy loves to primarily work with 3D printing and fabrics for their cosplays. They primarily cosplay characters that are animated or in video games. In 2021, Percy entered their first craftsmanship competition and won best in class.

Percy is dedicated to making sure people have fun and feel loved in their cosplays. No matter who you are, you can cosplay! Cosplay is for everyone and should get the chance to express yourself no matter what you look like, your background or your skill level. Cosplay should always be fun!

Photo by Apocalypse Fashion Friday


Erica Olson

From Ren Faires to theater tech, from burlesque to Burning Man, Erica has been playing dress-up since she was a wee little chicken and has no intention of stopping now.

As a certified Get Off My Lawn(TM) Gen-Xer, Erica is almost completely oblivious to most current pop culture. Instead, she draws on her education of historical fashion, textile arts, and whatever shiny bits she can find lying around to cosplay original characters and those inspired by myth and legend.

Erica strongly believes that cosplay is for anyone and everyone, regardless of body appearance or experience level, no matter what.