
Co-Founder: Suvi Losty


Facebook Page:

Instagram: @suvicouture21

About this Cosplayer:

My name is Suvi, and I have been doing sewing, alterations, and costume design since I was 13, and I am entirely self-taught. I helped found the Colorado Academy for Cosplay in 2017 to help other cosplayers get their start and improve their skills. I started cosplaying about 10 years ago and have won many awards for craftsmanship at major conventions. I create costumes out of unusual materials and use unusual methods. I am a jack of all trades.

Trade of choice: Needlework

Admin: Trinity Renee

Facebook page:

About this cosplayer:

Hello everyone! I’m Trinity Renee and I’ve been blessed to be welcomed into the Colorado Cosplay Community since 2009. I’ve been cosplaying since 2003 and started competing in 2010. Since then, I’ve won 7 awards and have been a Cosplay judge for 4 years. I firmly believe that cosplay is for everyone no matter what skill you have and that anyone can cosplay. Outside of cosplay, I’m currently working on my second college degree with the intention of going to law school.

Trade of choice: Needlework

Photo Credits - Inoli Images

Admin: Drisana Litke

Facebook Page:

About this cosplayer:

Drizzy Designs is a “Best of Colorado” and “Master’s Level” award-winning cosplayer based in the Rocky Mountains living over 10,000 feet above sea level. Mom and Restaurant General Manager by day, cosplayer by night - she never backs down on a goal. She loves cosplaying many different genres including video game characters, comics, villains and Disney idols. She is particularly fond of making armor and creating her own spin on legendary characters. Well versed in many materials including foam, clay, resin, and animatronics, she is known for her attention to detail and passion for teaching others about the craft. Always striving to make bigger, better, more detailed cosplays, it’s always worth the anticipation for her next creation!

Trade of Choice: Foam and Molding/Casting

Admin: Michelle Fitzgerald

Facebook page:

About this cosplayer:

Michelle has been sewing professionally since 2009, and only more recently branched out into cosplay! Patternmaking is their favorite part of any project, and they have experience making tailored suits and gowns for all body types. Michelle currently owns Clockwork Faerie corsetry, which makes custom historical corsets and stays for all bodies. Michelle is married with two young children, who are just now old enough to ask for their own costumes. Some favorite activities are hiking/playing outside, reading, and baking. Michelle is a musician as well and always enjoys playing with others.

Trade of choice: Needlework

Co-Founder: Elena Hansen (Inactive)

Facebook Page:

About this Cosplayer:

My name is Elena and I have been cosplaying since 2010. When it comes to cosplay I am definitely a jack of all trades but master of none. I prefer thrift shop creations and prop building since I am a menace when it comes to breaking sewing machines. All of my cosplays are made with a large dash of procrastination, usually with the help of my addiction to League of Legends. Since the founding of the CAC, I graduated from the Colorado School of Mines and am currently living in Minnesota.

Trade: Thrift-Smith

Photo Credits - Iona Bruce

Co-Founder: Chris Clarke (Inactive)

About this Cosplayer:

My name is Chris and I’m a Colorado native. I was born and raised in Boulder but went to CSU (go Rams). I’ve been cosplaying since 2016. I got into cosplay after seeing full body armor at a con and I dove in head first. My medium of choice is EVA and XPS foam. My typical style is from scratch, by hand, and to the smallest detail. I've competed in various contests and won multiple awards, including two best in shows, and I continue to put on educational panels and workshops at local con. I'm constantly striving to push the limits of my abilities in my cosplays, never settling in a comfort zone.

Trade of choice: Foamsmith

Photo Credits - Moby Mobeck