January 2019


    • Cianan Josiah Tsali Puckett
    • Clayton Halcolm
    • Kataryna Elizabeth Matthews
    • Lacy Jo Lowry
    • Marie Frederick
    • Markah Williams
    • Michael McCrary
    • Nicole Young
    • Rebecca Thye
    • Donna McGee
    • Elizabeth Bornemann
    • Erin McIntyre
    • Gleeson Glory
    • Henry Evans
    • Holly Trujillo
    • Tiffany Burt
    • Troy Anne Edgar

The Justice League of Hope

The Justice League of Hope visits children in hospitals between Grand Junction and Greeley year round. For the last six years we have adopted 18 special needs Super Kiddos and all their siblings each year, holding donations drives and bringing our community in Grand Junction together to bring all the Super Kiddos Christmas Wishes a reality...our community is the true heroes...that spread the #Unbreakablesmiles to the kids.

Below is a list of all active members who we sincerely thank for their hard work and dedication. You will also find pictures and bios on various members below.

Find them on Facebook by clicking here.

    • Dave Brock (Founder)
    • Ashley Appling
    • Brandon Murphy
    • Brittany Woolsey
    • Bryan Wade
    • Caitlyn Murphy
    • Cheryle Bornemann
    • Veronica Arcelia Mandivil
    • Kiauna DeLeon
    • Jade Pauls
    • Jayden Stinecipher
    • Jeanie DeLeon
    • Jessica Martin
    • Jordan DeLeon
    • Justin Rankin
    • Chris DeLeon
    • Chris Mannel
    • Chris McGill
    • And all others who have contributed to the JLH

Dave Brock

My name is Dave Brock, 44 years young I am the founder of The Justice League of Hope and what inspired me to create this amazing group of SuperFriends...I grew up in group and foster care and Stan Lee and his and Marvel’s creations where my role models...I didn’t have parents. My Mentor in The Big Brother Big Sister Organization in Seattle was Brandon Lee of the movie "The Crow"...he gave his time to both my sister and I and taught me how to give back positivity in a very negative world. By creating the Justice League of Hope with my SuperFriends we hope to make a difference to children which are the future of this world and maybe just maybe...make the world more positive...Maxium Effort!!!

Donna McGee

My name is Donna and I got started with the Justice League of Hope in 2017 when my grandkids and I were on main street doing Trick or Treat street at Halloween. I was dressed up as Olaf from the movie Frozen. The kids loved it and I turned out to be a big hit. I had always wanted to make a difference in kids lives at Christmas cause I couldn't always give my own girls a Christmas. I was a single mom of 2 girls working 2 and 3 jobs just to put a roof over our heads. I love children and now I have a chance to make a difference in there lives. I became involved so I could make a difference in other people's lives since my girls are grown up. I now have 7 grandkids and they love the fact that grandma is Olaf.

Cheryle Bornemann

My name is Cheryle Bornemann aka Black Widow and my kids E.J aka Raven, Jayden aka Spider-Man, my nephews James aka Master Chief and Jason aka Creeper. This is our second year with the Justice League of Hope. We joined after we lost my dad to cancer. This group has been an amazing experience for me and the kids. Helping these kids and bringing smiles to their faces has brought so much joy to our lives.

Jordan DeLeon

My name Jordan De Leon and I cosplay as The Redhood (AKA Jason Todd). The reason I chose this antihero was because even though he is flawed and troubled he always tries to do the right thing to help people. I first heard of the Justice League of Hope at the 2018 Comic-con in October. After hearing about them and what they do, I knew I had to be a part of the good cause. I love to help people all I can' and if that means I can dress up as heroes to make children smile, then I'm all for it. I feel so honored to be apart of this amazing group of life-changing people.

Chris DeLeon

My name is Chris DeLeon. I cosplay as Superman and Batman because they were my favorite heroes as a child. I joined The Justice League of Hope with my wife because there's little more rewarding in life than bringing happiness and hope to children. Helping underprivileged children through my passion for cosplay makes my nerdy habit a fulfilling lifestyle.

Jeanie DeLeon

I am Jeanie DeLeon. I cosplay as wonder woman, although I have 2 more costumes I want to start building. I first heard of the justice league of hope at comicon this year. I wanted to be involved in something so worthwhile for children who might not have many bright spots in life. It's a great way to let my inner 5 year old out and, at the same time, be helping the community. I am proud to be connected to such a great group of people.

Jason Thye

My name is Jason Thye. And 10 years old and I'm a 5th grader. I started dressing up as kid pool because I started Watching videos about cosplay. Then I realized how much fun it was to make kids smile and High 5 them. I have ADHD and struggle in school. But being a part of the Justice league of hope helps me so I can be my true self. I forget about all my struggles with I put on my costume. I love creating unbreakable smiles.

Kataryna Elizabeth Matthews

Kat has loved dress up her entire life. Ever since she was little she looked for any opportunity to don a costume and play! Disney itself has always had a special place in her heart when she'd play as a child and that love of magic has never left. As she grew up she fell in love with the Theater and on that avenue discovered the magical world of Cosplay allowing her to embody Princess Belle on and off the stage making her dreams come true. In her 9th year of doing Cosplay professionally she met Dave Brock who welcomed her into the family known as The Justice League of Hope and helped start her on a path to create Unbreakable Smiles. Through the JLH she has been able to become a hero in the Grand Junction community, and she hopes to spread the message that in jeans or a cape or even a ballgown you can step up and be a hero.

Ashley Appling

I am 31 and have been cosplaying and Larping for 15 years. My love of comics and video games drew me in. Helping people laugh and smile kept me. From there I began working with the Ride for Kids foundation in Georgia as well as Toys for Tots dressing in costume to deliver toys. My first Super Hero cosplay was Batwoman and I hope to bring Hawkgirl to the mix as well.