Compact 5 HD

Compact 5 HD handheld magnifier.

Compact 5 HD

The Compact 5 is a portable electronic magnifier that allows users to magnifier print material featuring a 5" screen.

The Compact 5 allows the user to navigate small print material in the user's preferred contrast and preferred font size.

The portable nature of the device means that the user can take use the device in different areas of the home, and community.

Classroom Applications

  • Access to small print material

  • Due to the portability the device can be carried to different subject lessons in school meaning accessible text for VI high school students.

  • Portability means it can be used in the kitchen to read recipes and packet labels to support with cooking.

Optelec Compact 5 HD User Manual V1.5.pdf


Optelec Compact 5 HD product page -