Description of the Method

Participants are invited to lie on the ground in a supine position and close their eyes. The trainer allows a few minutes to pass, trying to guide them into a state of relaxation of mind and body, using brief phrases like "close your eyes and let your body relax completely. Try as much as possible to empty your mind of thoughts, but keep it ready for action. In a few minutes, our journey begins. 

Try to imagine the situation I will lead you to with your imagination, trying to reproduce sounds, noises, and sensations using voice and body, without moving from the supine position you are in. For example, you can clap your hands or feet on the floor, blow intensely, and imitate the sounds of nature or what is happening around you. Always pay attention to the suggestions of others, respect them, and join them, trying to create a unified setting around you."

When it is perceived that the goal has been achieved, the trainer, in the role of narrator, begins the story. It is not necessary to follow a predetermined text; the narrator can improvise, paying attention to what emerges within the group.

The idea is to propose to the group a journey that starts at dawn and ends at the same time the next day: the story will have a very slow rhythm, roughly waiting a few seconds after each sentence to allow the group to imitate what is happening around them. It is important to maintain a neutral and welcoming tone of voice.

Example (opens from the dropdown menu on the right)

Text for an auditive imaginary trip to the beach

We are on a beach at dawn.

There are no people around us.

We are alone lying on the sand.

Around us, the waves of the sea crash on the shore.

Some animals wake up.

Here are the first inhabitants of the beach.

The sun is slowly rising.

Someone is running along the shore.

It's about 7:30 in the morning now.

The kiosks are opening.

Here comes someone.

Birds fly high in the sky.

It's 8:30.

The beach begins to live with those who like to come early to get a spot.

There are many activities on the beach...

...and in the water.

The sun is high and scorching.

The beach is crowded with people.

It's hard to pass without stepping on someone else's towel.

It's lunchtime.

What a smell of food!

The sky is blue and there's not a cloud.

Someone leaves the beach.

The music from the bar lowers.

It's 2:30 in the afternoon.

There are fewer people.

The sun beats down on our skin.

Seagulls fly in the sky

At 4:30 in the afternoon, someone returns for the last hours.

And again, the space decreases.

At 6:30, someone goes home.

Someone chooses to stay until sunset.

Here's the golden hour.

Everything is quieter.

The kiosks close.

It's evening now.

There's a light breeze.

Some animals return, and others leave their nests.

There is a fresh wind.

It's dark.

And here are the stars.

The moon reflecting on the sea.

There's an intense light.

The sky turns violet.

The sun timidly rises from the sea and greets the moon."

Things to Keep in Mind

Sometimes the narrator can support the group in producing sounds and noises, especially in moments of greater difficulty or at the beginning and end of the exercise. 

Our Conclusion from Testing  

This exercise, in our experience, can help to create a good environment in the group, making each member feel involved. Closed eyes can help those who struggle to engage and emerge.