Description of the Method

When you are ready, stand in the centre of the free space with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and out.

Imagine a space around you extends, as far as you can reach out.

This space forms a shape of bubble around you. Its surface can be transparent, flexible, constantly changing or instead a solid and safe cocoon that hides you from the world. Whatever suits your current needs.

Stretch out your hands and start moving them along the imaginary surfaces of this space, feeling its width, length, and depth. You can include your legs...your spine and core...your head. Try out how high you can wide it can far you can reach in front of you...and behind you... Stretch the space as big as you can without leaving the starting position.

Now reduce the space to an elbow distance from your body and move in that slightly smaller space...

What is different?

If you want, you can further reduce the space by using the space close to your body.

What is now different?

Experiment with the spaces in different sizes, play with stretching and reducing the bubble with your whole body. Find what size is the best for you today and start moving in that space.

Now imagine that your fingers and, if you wish, your toes are covered with the colour(s) you like. As you move along the surface of your bubble, paint it with the colour(s) you have chosen.

How would you like to paint it – slowly...with energy...with small or big movements...sharply or smoothly... You can repaint the bubble several times. You can create patterns. Take as much time as you like for that.

n a group, you can move around the room with your bubble and encounter bubbles from other group members. You have the option to bump into bubbles, create a shared bubble if you wish, and then continue moving with your own bubble.

When you feel ready, stand in the middle of your bubble and breathe in this wonderful environment and feel your personal space around you. This bubble comes with you in your everyday life, supporting and protecting you when necessary.

Would you like to try some variations?

If you wish, you can move in the space where you are, still keeping focusing on your personal space bubble around you.

You can shorten the experience by using only one part of the movement experience: just sensing the surface or just painting the surface.

 You can imagine that the inside of your bubble is covered with sounds. When you touch them, the sounds are released and fill the bubble with wonderful music. Move and create your own sound environment.

Reflection after the activity: 

What is different now? You can think about your current physical sensations, feelings, and thoughts.

What was meaningful for you?

What did you enjoy the most?

What about your bubble was important for you?

How can this experience support you?

Things to Keep in Mind

Encourage participants to explore their personal space bubble at their own pace, adapting the exercise to suit their comfort level and needs.

Emphasise the importance of self-expression and creativity, encouraging participants to paint their bubble with colours and movements that resonate with them, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment over their personal space.

Sources & Resource

Online Handbook “Move on” 

Videos are also available with Estonian and Italian subtitles. 

Video eestikeelsete subtiitritega

Video con sottotitoli in italiano

Our Conclusion from Testing  

Participants felt more energy and perceived spatial boundaries and self-protection more clearly after doing the exercise. The exercise allowed them to withdraw from the group and be in their calm inner world, but it was also very activating and energising if they wanted to interact with other group members.