Description of the Method

This method involves using an object as a focal point for movement and expression. Participants select an object, which could be anything from a simple household item to a symbolic prop with personal significance. They then interact with this object through movement, treating it as if it were a person. 

During the session, participants may move around the room with the object, express emotions or thoughts to it, or engage in dialogue or gestures directed towards it. 

The object serves as a mirror or a sounding board, allowing participants to externalise their internal world and explore their feelings, memories, and relationships through movement and creative expression. As a group activity, you have the opportunity to encounter objects of other participants and engage with them.

This method can be used to facilitate self-awareness, emotional expression, and personal insight. By engaging with the object and observing their responses to it, participants can gain new perspectives on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, as well as explore different aspects of their identity and relationships. Additionally, the method can foster a sense of connection and empathy within a group setting, as participants share and respond to each other's movements and expressions.

Overall, the method offers a unique and creative approach to dance related methods, allowing individuals to explore and process their experiences through movement, symbolism, and interaction with objects.

Reflection after the activity:

Things to Keep in Mind

Encourage participants to select objects that resonate with them personally, and consider why they chose that particular object. Remind participants to stay open to the experience and allow themselves to express emotions, thoughts, and memories freely through movement and interaction with the object. After the activity, create a supportive environment for reflection and sharing, encouraging participants to observe their observations, explore their sensations and feelings, and consider how the experience has impacted them in the moment 

Our Conclusion from Testing  

The method fostered a sense of connection and empathy within the group, as participants shared and responded to each other's movements and expressions, highlighting its potential for promoting interpersonal understanding and support.

The method provided a creative and engaging approach to self-exploration and expression, offering participants a valuable tool for enhancing self-awareness, emotional regulation, and interpersonal connection.

Sources & Resource

Online Handbook “Move on”