In this manual, we share some of the activities from the Social Presencing Theatre (SPT), which we explored during the Laboratory meeting in Tallinn (Estonia).

SPT was developed by Arawana Hayashi and Otto Scharmer to support transformational changes. We live in a time of disruption and changes through “Climate change. Hunger. Poverty. Terrorism. Violence. Destruction of communities, nature, life”, which Otto Scharmer sees as the foundations of our social, economic, ecological, and spiritual well-being. In “Theory U” he developed a process for transformation, which comes from within. 

"In order to create real change in the world we need to shift the inner place from where we operate, not just as individuals, but also in our collective actions, as groups, as organisations, and as larger systems." (Otto Scharmer, Author of “Theory U: Leading from the Future As it Emerges”)

Arawana, from her original profession as a Japanese dancer, contributed to the Theory U the Social Presensing theatre, a method to become aware of the own body, to understand better the changes needed in personal life, but also in our society. With the methods, we explore not only our own awareness of our body but also become more aware of the “social body” of groups and communities. (e.g. family, friends, colleagues).

Hayashi's intention with this work is to offer movement practices that support people in recognizing their own and others' embodied wisdom, compassion, and courage to act. In the face of today's enormous environmental, social, and spiritual challenges, we can become disconnected from the fundamental human goodness that lives in our presence. Social Presencing Theater invites us to make the true moves that are ours to create a society of brilliance, warmth, and strength. If you want to know more about the background of SPT we recommend reading here:

For this project, we have chosen practices that help to become more aware of your body and your body sensations in a first step and then notice the social field you are living in. The embodiment practices support you in getting closer to yourself and to others and deepen reflection. In her book, Hayashi describes “Each practice has a view, a purpose, and a definite form – how to begin, what the parameters are, when to end. The practices are forms. They are containers for experiences. Each practice is followed by a group reflection. There is no right or wrong experience – only learning.”

We usually start our SPT Session with some mindfulness activities to support participants to be in the here and now and to be able to fully connect to the SPT activities. Please read in chapter Mindfulness Methods and Mind Journeys.