Dance, serving as a mode of self-expression, communication, and celebration of life and community, has been integral to human existence and culture since the dawn of our earliest ancestors.

Among the art and theatrical methods designed to heighten body awareness are dance-based methods, which are inspired by Dance Movement Therapy (DMT). DMT is part of Creative Arts Therapies and is a dynamic and holistic approach that harnesses the power of movement and expression to promote self-awareness, emotional integration, and holistic well-being. Rooted in the belief that the mind and body are interconnected, DMT offers a unique avenue for individuals to explore and understand their thoughts, feelings, and experiences through embodied practices.

Dance-based methods can provide valuable tools for self-care, stress management, and emotional resilience. Furthermore, they encourage creativity, collaboration, and self-expression, fostering a sense of community and connection among participants.

In the context of education, dance-based methods serve as a valuable tool for promoting mindfulness and fostering a deeper connection between mind and body. By engaging in movement-based activities, individuals are invited to tune into their physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts in the present moment. Through guided movement explorations, relaxation techniques, and reflective exercises, participants can cultivate greater body awareness, emotional regulation, and stress reduction.

Dance-based methods emphasize the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment where individuals feel free to express themselves authentically and without judgment. Within the educational setting, these techniques can be integrated into various contexts, such as classroom activities, professional development workshops, and personal growth seminars. Dance-based methods can be used individually and in group activities.

The descriptions of dance-based methods are inspired by the handbook "MoveOn," from the Nordplus Adult Collaboration Project "MoveOn NPAD-2021/10031." The project description and results are available here.Â