Description of the Method

This visualisation of a trip to the beach is a relaxation exercise to take you on a small ‘holiday’ to recharge. You need no special equipment or physical ability to be able to do it, all you need is a calm place and some time.

This exercise is best done lying down – preferably not in bed, but in a comfortable place. If you choose to do it sitting, make sure to sit comfortably and upright.

Below you will find an example script for a beach visualization, in case you want to use it to guide a group.

Things to Keep in Mind

Remind participants - and yourself! - that it is normal for your mind to start to wander and think while you are doing this exercise. When you notice this happening, you can choose to celebrate this moment of awareness of what is happening in your mind. Then gently, kindly bring your awareness back to your breath.  

Script for a Beach Visualisation

Before we start, I invite you to find a comfortable position. You can be sitting or lying down, just make sure you’re in a calm place.

If you are sitting up, it may be helpful to ground your feet, and sit forward in your chair. Tilt your hip bone forward a little bit to allow your spine to strive upwards naturally, without effort. It should feel like the vertebrae stack one on top of the other. Take a moment to find this comfortable position.

Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath in... and exhale slowly, releasing any stress or tension.

Let's embark on a journey to the shores of a beautiful beach. Allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience.

Imagine you are standing at the edge of a lush green forest on a warm, sunny evening. Feel the soft ground beneath your feet. The air is filled with the scent of pine and saltwater. There is a path going into that forest. When you are ready, start walking along the path, through the forest.

Notice the trees, the play of light on the ground, the scent of the forest. As you walk, the trees gradually give way to a path leading you towards the beach.

The sound of the waves grows louder, drawing you closer to the shore. Picture the path opening up to reveal a vast expanse of sand. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin as you step onto the beach.

Look around and notice the colours of the sky - as the sun begins to set. The air is filled with a gentle breeze, carrying the rhythm of the waves. Take a moment to breathe in deeply, inhaling the crisp sea air.

Now, start walking along the water's edge. Feel the sand beneath your feet and the gentle touch of the water as it washes ashore. Each step you take brings a sense of relaxation and calmness.

As you stroll along the shore, notice the seagulls soaring gracefully overhead. Notice their movements, the sounds their wings make as they fly, their cries.

I invite you to find a comfortable spot on the beach and settle down. Close your eyes and let the sounds of nature envelop you. Picture the waves rolling in and out, forming a harmonious dance with the shore.

Take a few deep breaths here, relaxing in the moment.

Now, imagine the warm sun casting a gentle glow on your face. Feel its rays penetrating your skin, bringing a sense of warmth and peace. Allow any tension in your body to melt away with each breath.

As you take comfort in the serenity of the beach, visualise a radiant ball of energy above you. Picture this energy descending towards you, enveloping you in a cocoon of positivity and relaxation. Feel the warmth and healing energy surrounding you.

Take a few more deep breaths, absorbing the peaceful energy around you. When you're ready, start walking back towards the path. Notice the calm of the woods after sunset, the cool air and smells of the forest. Keep walking until you reach the forest’s edge, where you started. Take a moment to enjoy the relaxation in your body.

When you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and gently open your eyes.

Sources & Resource

Here you can find a script for an alternative Mountain Meditation: the mountain meditation and also listen to the audio guide below.

Our Conclusion from Testing  

Some participants may not be comfortable with imagery of the sea or the beach. In that case, we suggest using a different, safe place, such as continuing the path into the forest until you may reach a small river.

You can also exchange the visualisation for something like the mountain meditation by Jon Kabbat-Zinn.