Description of the Method

5-finger-breathing is a coping and relaxation tool that is easy to learn and quite handy for many people – as the only tool you need is your hands.

Things to Keep in Mind

If you use / offer this exercise to groups, pace the exercise for them the first few times, then let each person do it at their own speed. 

How to do it:

Standing up or sitting comfortably, relax your shoulders and straighten your spine to make room for breathing.

Extend the fingers of one hand in front of you as shown on the picture. With the pointer finger of the other hand, trace along the fingers, starting at the base of the thumb. As you trace up your thumb, inhale. Take a brief pause at the top of your finger. Trace down and exhale. Repeat this for all your fingers, until you have traced your whole hand, then start again. 

Sources & Resource

There are numerous videos, articles and sites on this technique – here’s one from Cleveland Clinic 

And here is one that explains the technique’s use for children 

Our Conclusion from Testing  

We like this tool because it is truly something you can take along with you – all you need is your hands! It helps in all sorts of situations and is easy to learn – even children and young people can use it effectively to self-regulate!