Innowise Training and Consultancy (OÜ Innowise) 

Innowise Training and Consultancy (OÜ Innowise) is a private adult education and training company situated in Tallinn, Estonia. We conduct both open and on-demand training, along with consultations on human development, the development of training systems, competence models, and quality systems in educational institutions. Additionally, we provide instructional design services in the field of adult education and create e-learning courses and materials.

Our clients and learners include private individuals, unemployment offices, public and private organisations, NGOs, and educational institutions. We serve approximately 300 adult learners per year.

Innowise is an active member of the Estonian Adult Educators Association Andras, the Estonian Training Companies Union, and is an official cooperation partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund and Tallinn University.



ALP is a network of professionals who are passionate about leadership development and learning. ALP’s members combine academics and practitioners with backgrounds and experiences in the field of education, and personal and organisational development from all over Europe. 

ALP was formally set up in 2011 in Austria as a non-profit organization, with members in the UK, Denmark, Malta, and Italy and a wide European network with organizations and individuals active in the field of diversity and leadership.

The organisation provides services for individuals, groups, and organizations to support people in their development.  ALP members have a proven record of experiences in the field of supporting adults in discovering their inner potential and leadership. They are offering since the beginning 3 - 5-day long training courses, where participants can develop further and where they are accompanied by professional trainers and coaches. 

ALP members work in international contexts, sharing new research in the latest leadership models and theories building on the individual strengths and supporting relationship based approaches.


Progetto Crescere

Progetto Crescere is a social cooperative (no-profit organization) located in Reggio Emilia, Italy, with the aims of disseminating knowledge about learning disabilities and providing training services to professionals, teachers, and other educational organizations.

Progetto Crescere provides clinical and social pedagogical services to citizens and to educational organizations. Our approach is multifunctional, based on a team of 60 experts with different backgrounds: services managers, administrative assistants, and other professionals (Doctors in Neuropsychiatry, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, speech therapists, Educators, Psychomotricists, Pedagogist, and Trainers). 

Thanks to cooperative methods and approaches, Progetto Crescere provides many services, not only to students and children but also to adults:

Counseling and Psychological services: working with care professionals to help them cope with the emotional burden and other issues of their daily work.

Lifelong learning and vocational training for professionals with the aims of enhancing relational skills, supporting a high awareness of the role and professional responsibility, supporting the management of emotions related to the professional role and burnout prevention.

Team supervision for improved communication and relationship in the work team: supporting cohesion and communication about points of view and emotions related to the job, analyzing and managing interpersonal dynamics, and fostering mutual support, a positive climate, and preventing burnout. 

Care Team Coordinator support: supporting coordinators work on teamwork, staff coordination, leadership, conflict management, and decision making

Support in staff recruitment: supporting managers in staff recruitment that requires specific social-relational skills.

The use of informal and expressive methods to work with adults is typical of our approach: we propose activities based on theatre, dance therapy, art therapy, and movement to individuals and groups, aiming for personal and professional development.

In the projects “Bodywise-Wise Body” partnership we present Theatre, Drama, and Theatre of Oppressed-related activities. 

Progetto Crescere 

August, 2023