Description of the Method

Please take a comfortable position – sitting, standing or lying down.

Feel your breath. Pay attention to your spine – neck, chest, lumbar spine, sacrum, and tailbone.

Let your spine move for one minute. Allow a small range of motion to pass through the spine from the neck to the tailbone and back.

Movement does not have to be sequential. The only conditions are comfortable movement and letting your breath support you.

The exercise can be performed over a longer period of time, accompanied by calm, pleasant music. It can be tried in different positions standing, sitting and lying down.

After the exercise you can reflect:

Our Conclusion from Testing  

We found that participants reported feeling more relaxed and centred after completing the exercise, regardless of their initial position (sitting, standing, or lying down). Extended practice of the activity, especially when accompanied by calm music, resulted in increased feelings of relaxation and enhanced body awareness among participants. The flexibility of the exercise, allowing for variations in movement and position, makes it accessible and adaptable to the diverse needs and preferences of learners.

Sources & Resource

Online Handbook “Move on”