Description of the Method

Imagine you have a ball of energy inside your pelvis. Visualize its size and colour. 

Set this ball in motion and allow it to affect your movement:

Follow the energy ball anywhere it travels inside your pelvis: around the circles, holes, and arches of your pelvic bones, or moving you through space.

Move the energy ball up and through your rib cage, bouncing off the inner ribs. Let it moves around your heart and lungs.

Explore moving it inside your shoulders and out your elbows, wrists, and hands. Activate inside your fingers, and feel the ball moving—but don’t get stuck in your hands.

Bring it back, through your arms and up your neck, and inside your head. Bounce from head to tail and back again. Let it spiral down inside each leg and foot, moving you around the space. Pause, and notice all you’ve shaken up by motivating your movement through an inner energy ball.

Now toss the ball out of your body and bring it back in. Explore inner and outer, and the transitions between.

You can expand this activity and interact with other group members by sharing your imaginary energy ball with them.

After the activity, you can reflect if you wish:

Things to Keep in Mind

Keep in mind to encourage participants to explore at their own pace, emphasising adaptability and self-care. After the activity, create a supportive environment for reflection and sharing experiences, promoting integration of insights into daily life. 

Our Conclusion from Testing  

This exercise has proven effective in enhancing energy levels and promoting a sense of focus and concentration. It could serve as an excellent warm-up activity for workshops or activities that demand heightened attentiveness and energy.

Sources & Resource

Online Handbook “Move on”