PS 5 Game Cover Design

Above is an example of a PS 4 Spider-man game cover

Use it as an example of all the elements you should include in the design of your game cover.
These elements should include the following listed below:


1) The TITLE of your game. This can be made up or an actual game title. Use the LAYER STYLE menu on your type to make it STAND OUT!

2) The MAIN IMAGE. Use A CUSTOM BRUSH to make the image original.
For example -
find an image of Spidey and use a custom brush to add the web shooting out of his wrist.

3) Two logos at the bottom of the game cover. One to represent the company who made the game and a logo to represent a company who would sponsor the game. For example: INSOMNIAC made the game and MARVEL sponsors it.


1) The spine of the game cover is similar the spine of the book. It should have the title of the game running down Vertically.


1) The back cover should also include an image that represents the GAME PLAY. Use a custom brush to make the image original.

2) YOURS COVER SHOULD include a sentence that says something exciting about the game play or the game itself.


1) Click on and Drag the PS5 template below into the PS logo to open in PHOTOSHOP.